Page 44 of Too Many Alphas
She smiled and walked over, taking a seat. Teyval tucked her in and kissed her cheek. “Did you have a productive day?”
“Yeah. I figured out that I don’t have any makeup for my new complexion. That was funny.” She settled and ignored the hot thundercloud of a man approaching her from her left.
She fussed with the napkin and draped it in her lap when Denith muttered, “I am not feeding you until you look at me.”
Myrtle looked at him. “That’s just mean. I can order a pizza. I wonder if they will deliver into your kitchen.”
He held her chin and kissed her. “Not if they don’t want to be sliced in half, dear one.”
“Then why are you growling at me?”
He listened and smiled. “Huh. I am. I am sorry.”
She shrugged. “It’s fine. So, what is on the agenda today?”
“The menu.”
“Whatever.” She smiled brightly. “Chicken nuggies?”
He sighed. “It’s a good thing you are cute.” He lifted her hand to his lips, released her, and turned to his shocked and bemused staff. His voice became a roar, and the kitchen sprang into action.
Myrtle watched Denith at work and had to admit it was a fun show. He had good knife skills and talented hands. She knew the last one. When he finished a set of four plates, a server brought them over.
She smiled and said, “This is your appetizer.”
Myrtle looked at the mouthful in front of her and tried to figure out what she was looking at. The other guys were murmuring in pleasure, but she didn’t know what the golden-crusted cylinder was.
She prodded it with her fork, and Teyval asked, “Did you need help with it?”
“Uh, no. I just don’t know what it is, and I don’t eat things if I don’t know what they are.” She shrugged. “Maybe I should just go. I don’t do fancy food.”
Denith walked over, picked up the tiny unit, and he looked at her. “Open.”
Myrtle blinked. “What is it?”
“Trust me. Open.”
She looked at him and parted her lips. She opened wide and took it in.
She narrowed her eyes at him but chewed. Her eyes shot wide when she realized what she was eating. She smiled and swallowed. “That was nice. Thank you.”
He stroked her jaw with one finger. “Trust me, my lady. I am sticking to the list. You have nothing to fear. The shapes will be different, but the flavours will be familiar. I will save experimentation with your tolerances for home.”
She fidgeted. “Promise?”
He held up a pinky. “Promise.”
She shook his pinky with hers and smiled. “Accepted.”
He kissed her quickly and returned to the kitchen.
Byron laughed. “So, what did we just eat?”
Myrtle shrugged shyly. “Chicken nuggets and mac and cheese.”
Her pack laughed, and she scrunched in her chair. Teyval realized she was upset and said, “What’s bothering you?”