Page 5 of Too Many Alphas
“Like a novel suited for kids? Uh, I guess. I have an outline. It would just be an effort to keep it suitable for younger audiences.”
Ruby grinned. “Can you send me a rough outline?”
Myrtle extended her phone carefully. “Put your information in. I will have you an outline by this afternoon with the first few pages of the script. If you like the style, let me know; if not, no harm done.”
“How fast can you write it?”
Myrtle rubbed the back of her neck. “For a hundred thousand words, it will take four weeks. I can write the script around it once you approve it. I will send you stuff as I go, and you can confirm it or not. I am pounding out short fiction right now just to keep my mood up, so I can do Patchwork Pixie and then resume my path to slow decline.”
Ruby frowned. “We are trying to stop that, but Achilles and his triad sleep kind of heavy.”
Myrtle snorted. “Well, I have destroyed my donut and three cups of coffee, drained the life force out of my host, and done the same to a stranger.”
Ark asked, “Can you take power from a male?”
Myrtle smiled. “This is actually funny. Hold out your hand.”
Ark did as she asked, and she reached out to touch him. Sparks and a weird forcefield pushed their hands apart.
He blinked and tried to grip her wrist, but there was a barrier between them.
“So, I drain the ladies and repel the gentlemen. It’s quite the way to head out.” She chuckled. “I can’t even use this to beat the hell out of the Elite, and I really tried.”
Ruby frowned. “They know about you?”
“Oh, yeah. The Omega Centre called them. They are in on watching me die, but they no longer enter the exam room when I am having my samples extracted.” She smiled and knew it was evil.
“What did you do?”
“I tried to see if I could use that forcefield to strangle one of them while he was laughing at me. I got pretty close. He turned a lovely shade of grey before his two buddies managed to pry me off him. That must have stung.” She knew her features were smug.
Ruby said, “Why did you attack them?”
“Oh, he said he wanted to screw me as I was dying so the energy sparks would present a fun tingle. So, I gave him a sneak preview. They are still being given my information but kept out of the room.”
Her phone began blaring, so she scurried to a corner and then had to shout. “I am fine! Nisha, calm down. I am going to be home in half an hour. I went out for coffee and donuts. Stop fussing. I am fine. Chatted with some nice people and may have gotten a job.” She paused at the shriek. “Yes, at four in the morning. Brilliance waits for no one. I will be back before breakfast, and we can skip the hospital today.”
There was a squawk.
“No, huggy bear, I am just a bit tired, and all they are doing is documenting death, and I am not convinced that it is worth my time to let them keep doing it. All I can think is that they are learning how to kill Elite omegas.”
She looked at the shocked faces with her in the café and held up her transparent arm. “I can’t think of any other purpose to my detailed degradation. I might change my mind after I finish the projects, but for now, they don’t get to take anything from me. See you in thirty minutes.”
She stopped the call and looked at Ruby. “You are a bulldozer. That was you on the phone, not me. I just soak in misery.”
Ruby smiled. “I think it was both of us, but send me those samples. If you have any non-kid-friendly stuff, I would love to read it.”
Myrtle smiled and sent a manuscript from her phone. “There you go. I am betting you like a little sci-fi with your fiction.” She flexed her hand again and said, “Thank you all for an interesting experience. Now, how do I shrink back to normal?”
Ruby blinked. “Wait. Is this your first time getting your full height?”
“Yeah. As far as I knew, I was a beta with omega characteristics then Odette touched me and wham. Thankful that my shoes fit and happy that I am wearing sweats.”
Ruby struggled with it. “So, you didn’t know you were an Elite omega... but the Elite did. Fuckers.”
Myrtle frowned. “I would love to understand that cryptic reference, but I need to get back before Nisha tries to sniff me out. She’s a beta. Her sniffer isn’t good.”
She nodded to them all and returned to her car, leaving the brightly lit café bustling with elves. There was a book in that scene.