Page 54 of Too Many Alphas
She frowned. “Hey. I am not a vampire.”
Ford smirked. “You look like one, all pasty and pale.”
Teyval was at her side in a moment, his arm around her, and he folded her to him and rubbed her back.
Byron wandered over. “What did you say to her?” His tone was casual.
Olivia muttered, “He mentioned her being all pasty and pale.”
Teyval sighed and kept soothing her. “She is not a fan of her Elite form or her other form. If our little omega could be a brain in a jar that could type, she would be delighted.”
She smiled against his shirt. He had nailed it. She turned her head toward Ford. “I am dealing with major body dysmorphia. Last year at this time, this body wasn’t even a thing. Now I am asix and a bit footfreak with pointy ears.”
Toros soothed a hand down her back. “Adorable ears. Stunning hair. Amazing mind.” He chuckled. “Charming ass. Lovely toes.”
“I haven’t put any effort into being charming, Toros,” she muttered.
He laughed. “I know. We all know. Your toes are still cute.”
Olivia laughed. “So, it didn’t stop at the manicure.”
Myrtle’s mates looked at her and grinned, saying together, “Team-building exercise.”
Olivia bit her lip. “Can I see?”
Teyval lifted her and showed off Myrtle’s toes. Olivia looked toward her toes and gasped. “That’s a whole universe.”
Myrtle nodded. “And a turtle.”
Olivia gasped. “There it is. A tiny space turtle.”
Ford leaned over, and his nostrils flared, “Has your scent come in?”
“Only under... circumstances.” She inhaled and then muttered, “Nosy bugger.”
Teyval cuddled her but didn’t kiss her neck. He pulled her away from Ford and Olivia and set her feet back on the ground. The pack was very proud of the job they had done decorating her.
Yemeen came toward them and had a tablet. Other guests were arriving, and Myrtle started to get uneasy until Nisha walked in with a big smile. “Bestie! Do they just carry you all the time now?”
“No. But I am getting hugged a lot.” She wiggled out of Teyval’s embrace. The rest of her friends started trooping through the door, and she beamed. “And now I am going to do some hugging.”
She darted forward and hugged her buddies, who took her out, took care of her, and didn’t mind when she didn’t want to party. They always came back to her place for cheesecake and gossip.
They chattered together, she introduced them to Olivia and Ruby, and Emmy and Ophelia arrived, and the other Elite omegas and their mates showed up. Nisha elbowed Myrtle and smiled. “See? Different group, still family.”
“A lot of sisters and big brothers.” She blinked. “And sixty-plus sisters and one queen.”
Olivia blinked. “There’s a queen?”
Ruby blinked. “There’s a queen?”
Myrtle nodded. “Oh, yes. That’s why we are here.”
Olivia bit her lip. “Can I hear more about that?”
Ruby muttered, “What do you mean, that’s why we are here?”
“There were enough of us that carried the original dark Elite genes finally to rise up and flatten the current Elite.” She shrugged. “We are here to bring magic back into the world.”