Page 1 of Sworn to the Alien
Mila is gone.
I did my best to conceal the shock at learning the news of her disappearance but I was certain Sleii could see it plainly on my face anyway.
We had known each other long enough for him to be able to accurately read my expression.
He had come with Mila’s friend, who I believed was called Arok or Aria or some such.
Why he had brought her with him, I had no idea.
I waseven moresurprised when he insisted she join us in my study.
Of all the pieces of news he could have told me, surely it was better forfewerflapping ears to be in attendance than necessary?
It was only when she floated over to me, so graceful I thought she might have wings of the Gal’adha, and placed her hand on my back, smiling warmly down at me that I felt glad she was there.
It felt nice to have some warmth, some comfort in a time such as this.
Then she turned to Sleii and waited as if there was some other piece of news he had to share.
Wasn’t losing my fiancé enough?I wondered.
I had only proposed to herthat very morningand already she had taken off on me — with no less than my own executive assistant!
I felt the anger bubbling up inside me but with the human female’s comforting touch, I let it subside.
I would release it, but not right then, not right now.
He told me his idea of replacing news of my engagement with an announcement of a new business proposal.
Few knew the truth, although I had been excited to reveal it to my closest friends and acquaintances.
It had seemed like such a good match…
A young, beautiful female, and a rich and powerful Chi.
But clearly, I had proven not to be enough for her.
I was ready for a new life that awaited me, one I would share with my new wife…
Still, I was grateful to Sleii for sharing his idea of his new business plan with me.
I doubted it would fool everybody but it would suffice all the same.
Then the human female left my side and returned to Sleii.
I felt the lingering warmth of her touch on my back.
Maybe that had been the purpose of her the whole time.
Sleii made a quick exit, no doubt sensing the tempest bubbling up inside me.
The moment he was gone, I leaned back in my chair, the silence of the office stifling.
I got up and paced back and forth — for no other reason than I needed to keep myself moving.