Page 37 of Sworn to the Alien
By the way some of the older employees looked at me when I first took up my post, I suspected it was not the way it was usually done.
Usually, the Governor of other alien colonies would make the decision by themselves and everyone else would simply do as he said.
It didn’t matter if someone else had a better idea, if the solution could be carried out at a fraction of the cost, causing less inconvenience to the public.
Which was why the brainstorming group consisted almost entirely of young people.
They were not yet set in their ways and had not yet learned how things were “supposed” to be done.
Some of our ideas were truly original, mostly taking advantage of the infrastructure and systems we already had in place.
Very often, they just required a small alteration to meet our new requirements.
On the outside, it would appear we had only done the easiest thing possible.
But they never saw the hours of discussions it took to get to that decision.
Usually, I was the leader of the group, asking questions — sometimes impossibleridiculousquestions, but that didn’t matter.
What mattered was the direction we were going in.
Today, thanks to Layla, I could not focus.
How could any red-blooded male?
Knowing they had Layla’s body to look forward to in a hotel room during their lunch break?
I knewIcouldn’t, so I handed over creative responsibilities to the most senior manager present.
It was unusual for me to do so as I truly enjoyed interacting with our younger workers but I was in no fit mental state to do the job now.
As my thoughts kept drifting back to Layla, I noticed the senior manager glancing over at me as if asking for permission to continue.
I just nodded my head.
The others were discussing problems and all I could think about was getting out of there as quickly as possible.
Finally, totally useless in the brainstorming session, I stood up and everybody stopped and looked up.
“I’m afraid I must… excuse myself. I have a very… important meeting to get to. Please continue without me. Let me know your ideas when I return.”
I left and quickly returned to my office, although I didn’t enter it.
I told my secretary:
“Qisa, I’m leaving now.”
She nodded and continued to tap at her holo-keyboard.
As I turned to leave, she said:
“Aren’t you forgetting something, Governor?”
Probably, I thought. I would forget my head if it wasn’t screwed on.
She raised a bag containing the food items I had apparently bought from Layla. “Your lunch?”
I rolled my eyes as if I had made a mistake before tucking them under my arm and hurrying out.