Page 60 of Sworn to the Alien
I smiled in what I hoped came across as confident, but it melted and turned to liquid venom the moment I turned away.
I headed first for the kitchen, figuring that would be where Layla would go for water or milk.
But when I got there, I found it empty.
Outside in the gardens, then?
I approached the doors but there were guards standing on the outside and they wouldn’t let me out.
So much for being the most powerful Chi on Enchor’s Heart!
I couldn’t even leave my own house!
I turned and marched back toward the main hall.
The security officers were busy opening doors to the various reading rooms.
I figured Layla must have left early and so I would check with the security camera team.
I turned to approach their office on the other side of the compound when I heard a whimper.
It came from the door to my left.
I frowned, unsure if I had heard what I thought I had.
There — I heard it again.
It was definitely coming from behind the door.
I leaned in close, pressing my ear to the wood.
Someone sniffed, upset.
I pressed my hand to the door as I gently depressed the handle.
The two guards stood behind me and I didn’t want to open the door any more than necessary.
The moment I got it open and shut it behind myself, I saw her.
She lay on the floor beside a plinth she must have accidentally knocked over.
The shards of the broken artefact lay in pieces around her.
That was thethirdsacred item that’d been broken this week!
The guy in charge of fixing them likely hadn’t ever found himself so busy!
My heart swelled with relief at finding her.
I didn’t like that she was so obviously upset but at least she hadn’t been kidnapped.
Hang around the Governor too long and you were sure to get a target painted on your back eventually.
No doubt she was upset at having broken the artefact but it wasn’t a big deal.
That was what glue was made for and—