Page 72 of Sworn to the Alien
She shut her eyes and angled her head up toward me.
Within inches now…
And I moved closer.
Thump thump thump thump thump!
The door groaned as someone shoved it open.
“We’re coming within range of Irctaw,” Klem said.
He looked at how we held each other, how close we were… and he grinned.
“Idohope I didn’t interrupt anything…”
He crossed his arms and ogled us.
He wasn’t going to leave, no matter what I said.
And there wasso muchI had to say to Layla.
She hopped down from the bed and gave me a nod. “I’m ready.”
And she turned and marched through the door.
I glared at Klem as I passed him.
Funny how much you can miss someone when they aren’t around… and then wish they would die when you set eyes on them!
I followed Layla’s shapely ass as she wound through the ship’s maze-like corridors, astounded she already knew her way to the cockpit.
She was ready to take the risk with the mission.
But was I?
Icalled the number the little leader gave me and waited as the call rang through to the other side.
It didn’t ring like a normal communicator.
There was a faint click as it was answered and then it rang again.
It repeated this four or five times before I glanced over at the Governor, who stood with a pair of headphones on, listening in on the call.
The rest of the squad stood to one side watching on without much interest.
This was a normal drama to them, an episode they had seen a million times before.
For me, it was the premiere!
The Governor listened a little longer, waiting for another click and for the ringing to continue before he spoke:
“It’s a precaution they take sometimes to make it more difficult for us to track him. By having the communication relay off several different numbers, it can be difficult to triangulate his exact position.”
Then he turned to look pointedly at a member of his former squad with large round glasses and a thick scraggly beard.