Page 8 of Sworn to the Alien
No one ever fell in love with an Elinz'ang and so wives were often far more accepting of their services.
The meeting place was Snai-A, a high-class establishment in the heart of the city.
When I entered the lobby, I peered around nervously, hoping no one would recognize me.
I reminded myself that the majority of people staying in a hotel were often new to the area or else they would be staying at home.
Then again,I’mhere, so it was always possible I might bump into someone I knew.
I wore a wide-brimmed hat and coat with a high collar.
As the Governor, I was highly recognizable.
It was best I kept a low profile.
“Rrrg shrr,” I said before clearing my nervous throat. “I have a room reservation.”
I gave the fake one I had come up with.
“Room number forty-two,” the worker said, handing over a key card. “Enjoy your stay, Governor.”
So much for keeping a low profile.
I considered turning around and leaving right then but what did I have to lose now?
A worker might tell their friends about me… but it was unlikely to spread far.
Especially with how little interest she was now giving me.
I took the hyper-elevator to the seventh floor and shuffled down the long corridor that seemed to groan with a distant and mysterious wind.
I found my room and headed inside.
I checked the time and immediately set to preparing the room.
If the female was on time, she would come within the next ten minutes.
I didn’t want her to know who I was immediately, although she was bound to find out at some point.
I turned off the lights and clicked on a single lamp that sat beside the front door, casting a small orb of light.
I dragged a chair into the far corner and sat in it.
I rubbed my hands together nervously.
I reminded myself that nothing needed to happen tonight — in fact, that there was no need foranythingto happen at all!
The female would come in, we would have a conversation, and that could be all thatneededto happen.
As the male, I was in charge of the outcome.
The female was a professional and capable of reading my body language better even than I could myself.
Still, I was nervous and it took several deep breaths to calm myself down.
My ears pricked up when I heard gentle footsteps approaching.