Page 81 of Sworn to the Alien
But as the cube turned, it spelled out one word after another:
And then it repeated itself, spinning end over end in an infinite cycle.
It was only as it showed the front side of the puzzle, facing me, before it revolved around again that I realized what the message was:
I glanced over my shoulder.
I hoped to see the Governor there but of course he would maintain a discreet distance in case he spooked the little leader.
I hoped they could still follow me down there.
I had to assume they had thought of this outcome as it wasn’t their first rodeo.
I decided to drop the “newspaper” on the sidewalk.
If they lost me, then at least they could come back, find the page, and see the message the little leader had helpfully left for me.
I gulped and hoped this wasn’t the last time the Governor would see me.
I crossed the road and headed down the steps and into the metro.
It was busy down there with Chis rushing confidently from one part of the metro to another.
I didn’t have to buy a ticket as it was free.
I tucked my hand in my pocket and clutched the Orb in my hand.
I held onto it as much to protect it to ensure it didn’t get stolen as to derive some confidence from it.
Platform three was on the right and I approached it, just as the last train began to pull away.
An arm looped through mine and spun me around, yanking me toward platform four where another train had just pulled up.
“Hey!” I said but the figure was strong and we got on board the train just before the doors slid shut.
The figure pulled back his hood and revealed the little leader’s face.
“The Orb,” he growled, reaching toward me with his gnarled hand.
I hadn’t expected him to come in person or to take it out in the open like this.
I began to pull it from my pocket before I paused. “What about my sister?”
“Your sister?” he snarled. “Forget about your sister! Give me the Orb!”