Page 90 of Sworn to the Alien
It was Sleii.
It’d been less than ten minutes since he had informed me he would do some research into where the tunnel led.
“The tunnel splits off into three,” he informed me. “One heads left, southward, the middle continues on forward, heading west, and the last turns right, heading in a northerly direction.”
Three tunnels.
Three different destinations.
Which was the right one?
“How far apart are the endpoints?” I asked.
“Several miles at least.”
Several miles.
That would make it difficult to reach them all within the next few minutes.
“If you kidnapped someone and wanted to keep them from being found, where would you go?” I asked.
Sleii held his breath. “Kidnapped?”
I wished I hadn’t let that slip out.
The less he knew about the situation, the better, as it would help him to focus on giving me the information I needed.
But it was out now and I couldn’t put it back in the bottle.
“Yes,” I said. “She was taken. And I fully intend on getting her back. So, if it were you, which direction would you go?”
Sleii was silent for five seconds before he replied — and when Sleii put something to his mind, five seconds was like five hours to a normal person.
“I would head north,” he said.
“Because there is less up there. It’s only just on the very fringes of the city limits and we haven’t begun serious rejuvenation work up there yet. If you wanted to bring in an unlicensed ship and ferry someone out of there with no one noticing, that’s the best place to do it.”
I felt sick to my stomach that I had to choose one of three locations but for now, it was all we had.
Maybe there was another way to do this.
“Joruch,” I said, “you take your ship to the western tunnel. Azzak, I want you to commandeer a ship and headto the southern tunnel. I’ll take the escape pod and head to the northern tunnel.”
Joruch’s head snapped toward me. “Are you sure you want to do that? You’re the Governor. You shouldn’t be heading out there by yourself. Especially not to the location that’s most likely to have the criminals.”
I hardened my tone. “It’s the only way.”
I turned toward the solitary escape pod and watched as it raced away from us.
“What the hell?” I growled. “Who took the escape pod?”
The moment the words were out of my mouth, I knew the answer to that particular question.