Page 17 of Grumpy Boss in Love
“I don’t think, I know. And I don’t care. You have what I call “rich people's problems,” and they are issues far above my tax bracket.”
He grunted. A sound of amusement, maybe? One could never tell with Mr. Serious. After a brief silence, I glanced at him. He stared straight ahead, but I could tell he was scowling.
“Now that you know how little I care about your big secret, will you change the coffee decree?”
“What are you talking about?” he asked without looking my way.
“You told Caroline that I’m to fetch and deliver your coffeeeverymorning.”
“So? Getting coffee is like an intern’s rite of passage.”
I scoffed. “Well, of course, all the big honchos at the office turn the fresh meat into their personal servants. It’s the norm. I’ve made so many coffee runs this week, my toes are about to fall off. But the fact that you requestedmespecifically to deliveryourcoffee has people speculating. I’m sure that you probably just want to keep tabs on me and make sure I’m keeping my mouth shut about your other job… Am I right?”
He turned to me. Ignoring my inquiry, he said, “That’s what you meant about me causing you problems?”
I nodded. “Remember how you ordered me to your office after calling me bynameon my first day of work?”
He nodded.
“Caroline took note and asked me about it. Since I’m sworn to secrecy, I had to skirt around how we know each other. Then you made your coffee delivery request and now Caroline and all the other interns are giving me the side-eye. Can you not take any more interest in me please?”
Elliot’s eyebrows shot up. “Other trainees would kill to get attention from the boss.”
“Well,if the boss was anyone else but you, I’d be all for it.”
His eyebrows went up further. “I appreciate your honesty.”
“The only person I’m interested in sucking up to at this point is The Task Master. She hates me.”
He frowned. “Who?”
“Caroline,” I said with a shrug. “Everyone gets a nickname.”
“Really?” Elliot drawled. “What’s mine?”
I let out a laugh. “Oh, Mr. Westwood, you have quite a few. You’re special.”
His eyes sparked with interest. It was one of the few times I’d seen him show emotion other than crankiness. “I’m intrigued,” he said. “Do share.”
“Only if you promise not to fire me.”
The corners of his mouth twitched. He almost smiledagain. A monumental moment. Intense pools of blue landed on me. “You have my word.”
Smirking wickedly, I began, “The Scowlmeister.”
He scowled deeply, proving the validity of that nickname. I couldn’t help chuckling. “General Grouchington.”
Why was I enjoying this so much? My mood had even brightened a little. “Sir Grump-a-lot. The Grumpinator.”
Elliot snorted.
“And my favorite,” I giggled. “Commander Curmudgeon.”
Elliot stared at me for a moment, then he did something that shocked me to the core. Helaughed. A real one that lit up his eyes and relaxed his stern features. My jaw slackened as I gazed at him. He was so freaking handsome when he laughed.
“Commander Curmudgeon.” He chuckled. “Ryan would love that one.”