Page 66 of Grumpy Boss in Love
I gave her a raised eyebrow stare. “Come on, Ruby, I’ve heard the things my employees say about me. I can’t blame them. It’s the way I behave.”
Her eyebrows furrowed. “That’s because no one knows the real you under your brusque exterior.”
The corners of my mouth turned up into a wry smile. “And that’s deliberate on my part. I don’t give anyone power over my emotions.” I glance at Ruby. Maybe except her, and I didn’t even know how I allowed that to happen. “After feeling like the last choice my entire life, finding out that the woman who gave birth to me abandoned me at the offer of a check…”
My voice trailed off, and I took a deep breath, struggling to put my feelings into words.
Ruby's eyes softened, and she squeezed my hand gently, encouraging me to continue.
“It cut deep,” I said. “Made me want to erect another wall along with the many I already have up to protect myself. I tried to convince myself that I don’t care what my mother did years ago.”
Ruby watched me expectantly. “But?”
“Well, you’ve rubbed off on me, so I’m in touch with my emotions now… or whatever,” I grumble.
After a beat of silence, she laughed. “Why do you sound so disgusted? That’s great character development, Elliot.”
I rolled my eyes. “Uh-huh.”
She sighed and gave me one of her you-poor-miserable-soul looks. However, she projected patience because she accepted me for who I was, and I was appreciative. I stared at her in wonder and amazement.
“Are you okay?” She shook her head. “Stupid question. Of course, you’re not. I’m so sorry about your mother, Elliot.”
She misunderstood my silence. I cleared my throat. “I suppose I’ll just have to let it go. It’s not like I can confront her about it.”
Ruby averted her gaze and nibbled on her lower lip. “I have a confession. The night of that party, I overheard you and your father arguing. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, I swear. I was on the phone and you guys?—"
“It’s okay,” I tell her.
“I heard you mentioned your mother’s death. “How did she…?”
“She was sick for a long time.”
“When did she come back into your life?”
I grunted. “It wasn’t by her effort.” Which was another source of disappointment… “Four years ago, I searched for her because I hated her for abandoning me, and I wanted to let her know. But I found the shell of a woman. She’d suffered multiple strokes and was just lying helpless in a bed.”
Ruby slipped her hand into mine. “I’m sorry.”
“It wasn’t all bad. I forgave her for leaving and took on the financial responsibility of caring for her. That’s how I met my mother’s nephew, Ben. One year after I lost my brother, the one person who loved me unconditionally and was my best friend, I found another family member whom I connected with. Ben and I have been tight ever since. He keeps me grounded.”
“So, your mother’s surname was Sinclair,” she deduced. “I had wondered where it came from.”
I lifted my shoulder. “I figured I could legally take on the name and use it to go incognito sometimes.”
Ruby grinned. “It’s crazy that you hide from the world by simply being yourself.”
“What can I say? I’m brilliant.”
“Ugh, so arrogant,” she jokingly scoffed.
I snagged her wrist and tugged. She fell into my arms with a giggle. “I will have none of your sass, Miss Bennet.”
“Fine… Professor.”
It struck me how involved Ruby was in my personal life. She knew my secrets, my pain. She knew more about me than anyone else. She settled against me, and I buried my nose in her hair to inhale the floral aroma, to take in everything that was Ruby… this compassionate, funny, sometimes crazy creature. Hell, I wasn’t even mad at myself for developing deeper feelings for her. Her aura was irresistible.
“What are you going to do about Jane?” she asked.