Page 84 of Grumpy Boss in Love
The media hoopla didn’t die down as quickly as I hoped. It was ridiculous. With my reputation in tatters, my heart beyond broken, and being thrown to the wolves without protection, I had to flee Chicago. I was tired of being followed around by creepy photographers.
Therefore, I lay in Tessa’s living room on her couch where I’d been for days. I’d left Oakland years ago, eager to get away from the small town only to scamper back with my tail between my legs. The whole town knew about my scandal. The entire world knew. I’d never recover from this.
“Ruby, honey, are you in pain?”
My eyeballs swiveled to Lucy. “No. Why?”
“Because you just moaned again,” Cass answered. She peered at me from Lucy’s phone screen with concern.
“I’m not in physical pain,” I murmured. “But I’m dying emotionally. Slowly wasting away, being drawn toward the black void of utter destruction, never to see the light of love and happiness again…”
There was a collective sigh from all four of my sisters. Tessa sat beside me and smoothed my hair away from my forehead. “Well, you’re still your melodramatic self. That’s comforting.”
April chuckled, and I glowered at her. “The black void of utter destruction?” she repeated. “The places your mind goes.” She sat on the floor in front of me and grasped my chin. “I know you feel like your situation is hopeless now, but with time, things will calm down and you’ll see the light of happiness again. I promise.”
My doubtful pout made April sigh. “Lucy, do something,” she said, turning to our older sister.
Lucy shrugged. “I doubt there’s anything I can say to make her feel better.”
“There isn’t,” I agreed. “But being here with all of you helps.”
“I’m sorry I can’t be there in person.” Cass frowned. “But if you tell me where Westwood lives, I’ll find him and kick his ass. Damian showed me a few lethal moves.”
For the first time since my life crumbled, I laughed. Cass looked so fierce and so serious about kicking Elliot’s ass. She’d do it too. I knew she would.
Cass’s ferocious scowl relaxed and turned into a smile. “She laughs. Thank God. We just might get her back from the void of utter destruction after all.”
Tessa was the first to snigger, then Lucy. April pursed her lips as if to hold back her amusement, but she lost the battle. Soon giggles filled Tessa’s living room, even mine.
“I hate you guys for making me laugh when I’m supposed to be miserable,” I grumbled with a grin. If I could find amusement in something, perhaps I could get over my heartbreak one day… not in the near future though.
A little of my energy, which had been nonexistent, seeped back in, and I sat up. “So, you guys aren’t mad about the first part of my story?” My gaze dropped to the floor in embarrassment. My sisters knew about my job at Luxe Elite. The job I’d lied to them for weeks about.
April snorted. “Rubes, you’re an adult, if you want to walk around in underwear in a room full of men, that’s your business.”
Dropping my face into my hand, I groaned. “I’m still embarrassed. Nothing beats being painted in the media as a ‘gold digger’ and a ‘sugar baby’ though. I’ll never live this down.”
“You will and your life will go on because you’re you, Ruby.” Lucy held my gaze. “You’re the youngest, but by God, you’re the toughest one out of all of us. Nothing gets you down for long. You’ll be okay.”
It was like her words and her confidence in me gave me strength. My eyes filled with tears as I inhaled deeply, nodded, and repeated, “I’ll be okay.”
But even as I uttered those words, pain pierced me in the heart because no matter how much time passed, I still lost the man I loved. Knowing that he didn’t love me back… No matter how the pain dulled eventually, I’d probably never trust enough to fall in love again.
* * *
After one week basking in my sisters’ unconditional love and Tessa’s amazing cooking, I was coming back to life. Maybe I should stay in Nebraska indefinitely… As the thought entered my mind, and I started to weigh the pros and cons, I saw him.
Henry and I made eye contact through the restaurant’s window. The murmured conversations and the aromas of various dishes that surrounded me faded. A mixture of emotions swamped me — nervousness, curiosity, anger, and even a hint of longing. I stood and rubbed my sweaty palms down my jean-clad thighs as Henry made his way toward me.
Of course, I recognized him instantly. Growing up, I had stared longingly at so many pictures of him. The only difference between those old pictures and this version of Henry was the gray in his black hair and the wrinkles around his green eyes.
I’d spoken to him a few times after I’d gotten the courage to answer his call a month ago. Finally, we were face-to-face. I stared up at him wide-eyed, taking in every angle of his face. The man who abandoned me and my sisters when I was just one. The man who I was ready to forgive and have a relationship with.
“Dad, hi,” I whispered. The word just came out. Technically, I was just meeting the man, yet I called him Dad rather than Henry as the others did. It felt natural.