Page 21 of Deja Brew
Absolutely not.
Being in a bed close to him with my body’s clear reaction to him?
Terrible idea.
And then it was done.
I went ahead and took a shower, trying to chase the chill that had been clinging to me all day from not sleeping the night before.
Then I climbed into his shirt, that fit me like a dress, and made my way out.
The lights were already lowered, and Barry had the couch all made up, and was watchingFriendsreruns on the TV with the blankets pulled up to his nose.
I moved along the long wall of the bedroom space, then turned the corner to find Junior standing beside the bed in a pair of blue sleep pants… and nothing else.
I repeat… nothing else.
I’d kind of imagined he would be fit under his clothes. Something about the width of his shoulders and his nice, round ass suggested he moved his body and occasionally picked up and put down heavy items.
But I hadn’t been prepared for the corded ropes of his arms, for the breadth of his chest, and the indents of his abdominal muscles.
A little whimpering sound escaped me, and I was thankful I was just far enough away for him not to hear.
“This bed is massive,” I said, watching his head lift to find me there in nothing but his gray tee.
“California King,” he said. “I needed the extra legroom,” he added as he turned toward the bed. “What the fuck?” he mumbled as I made my way around the bed and saw him plucking a mint off of his pillow.
A mint.
Mine had one too.
“Barry,” he said, shaking his head.
“He’s a sweetheart,” I insisted. “He’s just a little… needy.”
“A little?” Junior asked as we both pulled down the covers.
“It’s cute. You’re like his big brother.”
“I’m an only child.”
“Which explains why this is so hard for you,” I said, nodding as I climbed into the bed.
“So are you,” he said.
“Yeah, but I’m not a big, grumbly, antisocial hacker dude,” I said, sliding down flat. “Oh, my God,” I groaned as the bed hugged me. My bed at home was the same memory foam I’d had since I was eighteen, complete with body indents that refused to go away now, so I would get stuck in them and not be able to roll over in my sleep. “This is a good bed.”
“Yeah,” he agreed as he climbed in as well.
As big as it was, we felt incredibly close once we were both under the covers and sharing body heat. Not that I was complaining. I needed the body heat. Junior kept his apartment on the cool side, and I had no pants on.
“Sorry about the TV,” he said, the soft sound of TV voices drifting through the large, mostly open space of his home.
“I don’t mind. I fall asleep with the TV on all the time.”
“Also, don’t panic if you hear a thud in the middle of the night,” he said.