Page 58 of Deja Brew
I was annoyed that I didn’t get to sit there for a minute to admire her messy hair and only partially focused eyes, and the way the blankets had fallen down to expose her upper half, and she seemed utterly unbothered by that.
“I’ll deal with it,” I said. “Stay here,” I added as I jumped out of bed and yanked up my pants.
I closed the door behind me as I went into the living room.
Making my way to the door, I glanced out the peephole to find fucking Barry standing there, rocking back and forth on his heels.
“For chrissakes, Barry,” I grumbled, unlocking the door. “It’s too fucking early for this. Shale is sleeping,” I added, layering on the guilt as I pulled the door open slightly.
Barry looked at me, shaking his head.
“How many hours would it take in the gym to make me look like that?” he asked.
“More than you’d be willing to commit,” I told him. “What are you doing here? Go back to your own room.”
“I’ve been awake for hours,” he grumbled, making me turn to look at the clock in the room.
It was barely seven.
“I slept a lot last night,” he added.
“Yeah, you did,” I said with a smirk. “You fell asleep with your face in a cupcake at one point. Had fucking pink icing all over your face.”
“I have an injury,” he insisted, chin jerking up. “But they put breakfast out. I figured you guys would want to come down. Checkout isn’t that far away.”
Checkout was at ten.
And I’d been hoping to fuck Shale into oblivion at least one more time before we had to head out for the day.
But with Barry’s stubborn ass awake and antsy, there was no way that was going to happen.
As if sensing this for herself as well, the bedroom door creaked open, and Shale walked out in my shirt.
“Morning, Barry,” she said, shooting him a small smile. “How’s your arm?” she asked, coming over to duck under my arm to look at him.
Barry looked conflicted.
On the one hand, he wanted to bitch about his graze.
On the other, he didn’t want the “damsel in distress” to think he was a big baby.
“It’s okay,” he said. “I wanted to get you guys to come down to breakfast,” he said.
Shale angled her head up at me, and we shared a look that said we both knew there was no use fighting it.
“Fine,” I grumbled as I dropped my arm down on Shale’s shoulders and moved both of us out of the way, so Barry could come in.
“Why are we in New York State?” Barry asked as Shale moved back into the bedroom to get herself together.
“Shale wants to tell you,” I said as I came up to his side. "Show me your arm,” I demanded. His gaze slid to the bedroom door. “She’s not looking,” I told him, and he reached down to pull his shirt up to expose his arm.
I reached for the corner of his gauze, grabbing the tape, and drawing it back just enough to look in.
“It looks fine. We will dress it again later,” I told him, pushing the tape back down.
I took my turn to get ready and then the three of us went down to breakfast, snagging a table, and sitting down with our food.
Barry got some of everything.