Page 7 of Twisted Throne
“Um, I’m so sorry, it slipped my mind. Which files did you need again?” I said, hoping she wouldn’t make this a huge deal. This was my last week here, but I’d been hoping if I did well they might offer me something steady.
Cheryl frowned at me, clearly displeased. “The Hudson file, and the Applewood documents. I need them on my desk immediately, as I told you this morning.”
She turned and huffed off without waiting for a reply. Someboss. Weren’t managers supposed to make the office run better? Now I wanted to misfile every single document out of spite.
Iwouldn’t.I needed this paycheck and any others I could get my hands on. But now it looked like my chances of getting asked to stay on permanently were fading fast. I’d need to call the temp agency and see if there was anything else for me that I could pick up next week. I was already behind on rent, and I couldn’t afford another gap in paychecks.
My thoughts drifted again to my father. Angelo. He told me that I could call him by his first name but it still felt strange. I’m not sure what I exactly expected his reaction would be to the news. I thought he might not believe me, which is why I made sure to bring the photos with me along with the letter and necklace. I also did not doubt that the second I left the office he probably had someone running a background check on me. Not that I could blame him, I suppose.
He was more welcoming than I expected. It was surprising how normal he seemed, considering his profession. If I didn’t know any better he would look like any of the other rich businessmen packed into the financial district. He didn’t deny any of the stories or news he knew that I’d seen about him. He’s not making any attempt to hide it from me. If I made the decision to try and have a relationship and connect with Angelo, there was no way I could stay completely away from the business altogether.
And what about what that Paul guy had said? It sounded like he was trying to warn me off. Or maybe he just wanted to push me around to prove he could, I don’t know. That arrogant glint to his eyes didn’t exactly suggest a warm teddy bear heart under those slabs of muscle. But even though he was so handsome he made my heart thump nearly out of my chest, I don’t take well to being pushed around either.
“Gia, don’t you ever let anyone run over top of you. You have a backbone, make sure you use it.”Mom had told me that over and over, at everything from dance auditions to job interviews.
Even though I’m not currently in the best place in my life in general, I certainly wasn’t going to let some arrogant asshole in an expensive suit tell me I couldn’t see my father if I chose to.
Cheryl, still pissed about the missing files, kept me at work late, and I rushed from my bus stop to the Chinese restaurant around the corner from my apartment. I should have called in my order ahead of time, I thought as I paced the small lobby waiting on my food. I could hear the dull buzz of aging streetlights as they turned on, their weak light only illuminating puddles of the sidewalk in between gaping dark patches. Pepper spray aside, I wasn’t looking forward to the walk home.
I took my bag in one hand and my keys in the other, but I’d only made it a few steps in the direction of my apartment when I got a prickle on the back of my neck like someone was staring at me.
I stopped and looked around.
There were a few people still passing back and forth, but no one seemed to be paying any attention to me.
I turned around and kept walking but the feeling of being watched only grew stronger. I felt cold droplets of sweat begin to trickle their way down my back and I struggled not to panic. The fact that I was relieved when I spotted Ronnie, the local tough guy drug dealer just down the street, served to highlight just how low my standards of safety had dropped since moving into the neighborhood. Once Ronnie had figured out that I wasn’t interested in anything that he had to offer, he’d been cordial enough for a nod when we passed. We had an understanding, Ronnie and I; he didn’t push his stock on me, and I didn’t see any of the deals going on right under my nose. Ronnie didn’t harass me and was highly protective of his turf, so at least I didn’t worry much about other, rougher dealers moving in at least.
When I got to the crosswalk I scanned up and down the street again while I waited on the light to change.
This time, though, I did notice something unusual.
Directly across the street from where I waited there were two men in cheap looking suits and dark sunglasses standing on the corner, seemingly watching me.
They weren’t close enough for me to make out many details, but they didn’t look like anyone that I wanted any dealings with.. Neither of them looked away, not even when they saw that I had noticed them.. I didn’t turn away until it was time to cross the street, and then I couldn’t help but walk faster and faster until I was practically running.
My apartment building was visible from here, but panic was welling up inside me.
I looked back over my shoulder and saw that the two men were shadowing me step for step. I kept moving, phone in hand, and began fumbling around in my purse for my pepper spray, cursing myself for not having it within easy reach.
When I glanced up again, the two men had crossed the street and were quickly approaching me. They were on me before I had a chance to react and I flinched as they approached. The taller one stepped in front of me while the shorter, bulkier one blocked my escape from behind.
“Heyragazza,who do we have here?”
I spun around to face the man in front of me. My fingers fumbled their grip on my pepper spray, and it tumbled back into my purse.
“No one, I’m just going home.”
I tried to keep my tone firm, but couldn’t help the slight quiver in my voice.
What the hell do I do?
I looked around frantically, trying to spot someone, anyone that could help me out. It was getting dark and the street had mainly cleared out—with the exception of Ronnie, who was preoccupied with a hollow-eyed, tattered looking man that seemed to be arguing with him.
“Hey now, you don’t want to head home yet do you? I think we may have some things to discuss with you…”
The man's voice sounded as slimy as his cheap suit looked.
“No, I don’t think so.”