Page 2 of Forbidden Protector
It’s not my favorite nickname, but it’s perhaps the most notorious.
“I’ve been called worse.”
“The problem is, Reaper,” Connor continues as he places an empty glass at his feet, “I have no intention of dying today.”
At surprising speed, Connor leaps from his chair and pushes me hard. I stagger back one step, then another, before crashing into the table behind me.Cazzo.
I straighten myself up as Connor begins to circle me. Okay, so that’s how this is going to go.
“Not bad for a drunk,” I compliment as I begin to follow his movements. “But the clock is ticking, and I have bigger fish to dispose of than you.”
Connor merely beckons me with his outstretched hand.
Okay then.
I sprint at him full speed, feinting right, then left, then right again. I watch as he tries to analyze the movements, but I’m too quick for him. He swings wide, and I take the opportunity. I dart in closer to hit him once, twice, then shove him backward. Hard.
To his credit, he doesn’t fall immediately—but the alcohol works against him, and he eventually crumbles to the floor.
Connor pants hard as he fumbles to pick himself up. “We’re not that different, you know.”
I crack my neck. “How so?”
“My family has gone. My father was a fool. This,” he says, gesturing to the crumbling room around him, “is all I have left.”
“My uncle was no fool,” I bite back, suddenly unsure why I feel the need to defend the man I always despised.
“Perhaps you’re right,” Connor says, finally pushing himself to his feet. “But what Tony Nova did to that girl… Your reputation is perhaps worth less than this mansion.”
The truth of his words has my concealed knives dropping into both hands. “No need to make this personal.”
I lunge at him, and Connor is immediately forced into the defensive. I slash at him over and over, grazing him once, twice, three times—the third eliciting a pained grunt from my target.
Then suddenly, Connor grabs my left arm, and the knife goes flying through the room.
“You think I want to live like this?” Connor hisses as he blocks my right hand from plunging the second knife into his neck. “You think I want to let the Duffys win?”
My right arm manages to find an opening, and I strike…
Just as Connor headbutts me in the face.
I hear the crack of my nose breaking as I feel my knife plunge into his shoulder.
“Cazzo,” I shout as I back away.
Connor staggers back, too, staring at the knife protruding from his shoulder in disbelief. “Fuck.”
I spit blood. “Listen, you’re kinda ruining my record here.”
“I’m sorry killing me isinconvenientfor you,” Connor replies sarcastically as he reaches up to pull the knife out.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” I say, watching him.
“You worried I’ll bleed out?”
I watch as he ignores my advice, wincing at the amount of blood that begins pouring out. Cleanup on this just got so much harder. I return to tending to my nose. “You’re a sarcastic son of a bitch, aren’t you?”