Page 21 of Valentine's Slave
“Either way, you’re going to have a blast,” I assure him. “Trust me, I’ve never gone in a circle pit, and I’ve loved every show I’ve been to.”
Ever since Malcolm turned seven and heard ‘Last Resort’ by Papa Roach on the radio, he’s been obsessed with hard-rock, and I was delighted to show him the ropes. I’ve been going to shows since I was fifteen, which I’ve told Malcolm many times.
“Let’s go help your mom get ready for dinner,” I say, and Malcolm runs into the kitchen ahead of me to start setting the table. Hailey has full custody since Malcolm’s dad, Antonio, was a nearly full-time alcoholic and the furthest thing from kid friendly. He also wanted Hailey to abort, but instead of getting rid of Malcolm, Hailey ditched Antonio and had Malcolm at twenty-two years old.
She’s looking stressed, blond hair streaked with black flying into her face as she pulls the homemade fries and breaded chicken out of the oven. When her hands are free, she gives me a close hug.
“You sure you’re okay?” she murmurs, and I can tell she’s still thinking about our conversation from last night.
“I’m fine, I promise.”
Malcolm notes our quiet words as he lays the napkins on the table and the cutlery on top and then sits down on the cushioned bench, all set with ketchup and barbecue sauce.
“Did you tell Aunt Ava about karate?” Hailey asks him.
His face lights up. “I’m a blue belt now.”
“Give me a double,” I say with a grin, giving him a two-handed high five. “I knew you’d make it. You’re gonna have to show me some more of those moves after we eat.”
We chat about karate for the next little while, and then Hailey gives me an update on Mom. Hailey’s considering taking her to a senior’s social at a retirement home once a week.
“Do you think she’ll have to go to a retirement home?” I ask softly.
“Eventually,” Hailey says. “She’s still fine for now, but the disease is degenerative. She’ll need more and more help. We’ll do everything we can, but at some point, it’s going to be too much.”
“Dad would have been devastated to see her like this,” I murmur.
Dad’s career was helping people, and it would have killed him to not be able to help her.
“He would have been her live-in nurse,” Hailey says.
Dad wasn’t perfect, but he sure was loyal.
After dinner, when Malcolm's in his room, Hailey pulls me aside.
“Tell me about this contract,” she says quietly. “What does it consist of?”
I hesitate, not wanting to give too many details. “I spend time with him for a week,” I say.
“You mean you fuck him for a week,” Hailey corrects.
“And you feel okay with that?” She looks me up and down, and her eyes narrow. “Ava, don’t tell me you’re into this guy. He must be a piece of shit.”
“I’m not into him,” I insist. “But he does have certain . . . skills, and that can’t be denied.”
“I knew you should have gotten laid again after Shawner the Goner,” she says. “Anyone after him will seem like a superhero.”
“This has nothing to do with Shawn,” I say. “Valentino is excellent on his own, period.”
And here I am, defending him again.
Hailey is about to retort, but Malcolm comes back into the room, studying us with his crystal-blue eyes. He reminds me a lot of Dad, a quiet guy, a thinker. It hurts knowing that Malcolm will never get to meet his grandpa.
“Malcolm, you ready to show Aunt Ava your karate moves?” she asks, sending me one more telling look. She doesn’t want me to sign myself into this contract, but I already have. And I don’t actually feel that bad about it. I mean, I am selling my soul on some level, but like I said, Valentino has this strange aspect about him that makes me think he isn’t entirely bad. And it’ll definitely get Shawn off my mind.
I stick around for another hour, my mind happily distracted from my own problems, however serious the family issues are.