Page 70 of Valentine's Slave
“Are you sure you’re alright?” Mike/Alex asks me, though his voice sounds more annoyed than concerned.
I take a bite of nachos, but just as I swallow, the fucking vibrator takes my pussy by storm, and I gasp. The chips and guac and cheese go down the wrong way, and I cough, but it doesn’t make any sound—I’m all plugged up.
Panic seizes me, and I freeze with no idea what to do. Maybe I’ll die right here on this restaurant floor. That would sure be a shitty way to go.
Meanwhile Mike/Alex just sits there, looking shocked and a little scared, but he does absolutely nothing. I hobble off my stool, standing up now, making little wheezing sounds as I try to breathe. And then, someone grabs me from behind, wrappinghis powerful arms around my waist and jerking his fisted hands inwards and upwards three times in a row.
I cough as the soggy nacho launches out of my throat like a cannon.
I’m doubled over, gasping for breath now. The man’s hands are still on my shoulders, and I vaguely hear him say to Mike/Alex, “The lady needs medical attention. She won’t be continuing the date.”
I cough one more time and stand up. The hands haven’t left my back, and I turn around to catch sight of his face.
He’s tall and broad, wearing a black leather coat, his dark hair loose and long, beard perfectly trimmed, wild eyes fixed on me, blazing with concern. Valentino is here, truly, in the flesh, standing tall and powerful and just as goddamned sexy as always. My smile, too happy to betray my frustration, must count for something, because Mike/Alex stands up now.
“Who the fuck are you, man?” he says, jabbing a finger at Valentino.
Everyone in the restaurant is staring at us now.
Valentino reaches into his pocket to take out two bills, which he leaves on the table the same time as the buzzing starts up again between my legs.
My eyes widen, and Valentino smirks at me as he wraps his arm around my shoulder, ignoring Mike/Alex completely.
“Let’s go,” Valentino says.
A high shoots through me. This will definitely be a hit on my blog. It feels like a dream, and I can’t quite believe that Valentino is really here. He came back for me. He was fucking late, but he’s here. I start to walk with him when Mike/Alex puts his hand on Valentino’s shoulder.
“You trying to steal my girl?” he yells.
Seems that my ‘date’ has a temper, and he’s only half a beer in.
“Ava, do you belong to this man?” Valentino asks, looking at me with fire in his black eyes, his long hair streaming over his shoulders.
Well, that’s a no-brainer, and I actually giggle. “Absolutely not.” I don’t know if I’m still in shock from almost dying just now or from seeing Valentino again.
“Well then.” Valentino smiles at Mike/Alex. “I believe that’s settled.”
We start walking, and I don’t know how Valentino senses it, but in the blink of an eye, he gently pushes me to the side and whirls around, catches Mike/Alex’s fist in his hand, grabs the man’s arm, and twists it behind his back.
Mike/Alex is now gasping for breath, groaning beneath Valentino’s death grip.
“Do you need further assistance escorting yourself off the premises?” Valentino asks.
“Fuck you. No,” Mike/Alex spits, and Valentino lets him go, giving him a little push forwards, sending him flying towards the door.
My date stumbles out without a backwards glance, and Valentino reaches for my hand. But now, the reality hits me, how he disappeared after showing zero emotion. I can’t just let him back in.
“What do you want?” I ask, but my voice comes out more vulnerable than I meant it to.
Valentino asks a waiter for a booth, and when we’re escorted to the cozy bench, he offers me the inside seat.
Hesitantly, I slide in, glaring at him, still waiting for his answer.
He sits down and takes off his coat, his dark hair ruffled and wild.
“Ava, first, I want to apologize,” Valentino says. “I was a coward. I felt emotions I hadn’t felt in a long time, and I wasscared. I was in denial, and I didn’t know what to do, so I did the only thing I knew how to—I ran.”
I cross my arms over my chest, hoping my tears won’t start up again.