Page 122 of Dirty Plans
“Yep, that's the one. At least it was a great place to store the blankets the night before I—” London stops, then clears his throat. “Uh, anyway … In our defense, we were just kids. But hey, no broken bones, so ...success?"
I smile, trying to push past the haunting whisper of a memory. “We were quite the pair, weren't we?"
“Yeah,” he murmurs, his eyes darkening. “We were." A smile begins to creep onto my face, but then he continues, letting out a deep sigh, “We had something special, Lily. Something that I'm not sure ever truly went away."
The weight of his words hangs in the air, leaving us both lost in the silence.
Because I couldn’t agree more.
Aweek ago, if you would have told me that I'd have kissed Lily … Or that she'd spend the last four nights at my house due to her crumbling marriage—something which had nothing to do with said kiss,thank fuck—I’d have said you were out of your mind.
Yet, here she is.
Sitting at my dining room table with her sleepy eyes and disheveled hair, looking more gorgeous than I’ve ever seen her, simply because this is a new side of her that she’s allowing me to see.
How anyone could walk away from this—from her—it’s beyond me.
To be honest, though, it takes me back to when we were kids. When I’d wake her up early and she’d still be in her pajamas and unicorn slippers.
A smile floats to my face before I can stop it.
“What are you grinning about?” she asks, narrowing her eyes.
My eyebrows flick upward in surprise.
Sleepy, but evidently still observant.
I let loose a sigh. “I was just thinking back to when we were kids and I’d drag you out of bed early. You look the same.”
Her face crumples and she fusses over her hair, only making my heart ache more.
I chuckle, reaching out across the table to stop her hand. “You look lovely. Leave it.”
“Oh yes, an absolute angel, I’m sure.” She laughs dryly as she rolls her eyes.
I lock eyes with her, holding our gaze for a full beat before saying, “You look like one to me.”
Color rushes into her checks and she drops my gaze to stare into her coffee cup.
“Well, thank you.” Her voice is so soft, I barely make it out.
I grin, knowing full well, that saying thank you was hard for her to say when a million rebuttals were probably ready to spring off her tongue.
“So, what’s on the agenda today?” I ask, changing the subject so things don’t turn awkward.
This has become our routine now. Breakfast together, find out what the other has planned for the day … Then we’d work from my kitchen table until I needed to check in at Nocté or she had something she needed to attend to.
Most of the time, though, we’ve traveled together to the club so we could hammer out the last-minute details for the Upper Tier event.
Once or twice she’d had to leave to take care of personal things on her to-do list.
She even went back to her house to retrieve some of her clothing—but only when she knew for a fact that Seth wasn’t around. At least, that’s what I gathered from our talks. How she knew that, I had no clue and I hadn’t pried.
Lily never outright said it, but I could see in those big brown eyes that relief was starting to replace the more intense feelings she’d been dealing with the past few days.