Page 13 of Dirty Plans
“Well, I’m not handling the planning,” Myles blurts, raising her hands.
“What are we planning?” Rebecca asks, leaning forward on the bar. She crosses her arms and her breasts practically jump ship.
“Not a goddamn thing,” I say, turning on my heel.
She chases after me. “But Saint, if you need help, I could totally make itmagical.”
I groan.
Everything with her is fuckingmagical. You’d think she walked through life in a goddamned fairytale. Hell, I bet she still watches all the Disney Princess movies every weekend.
“Seriously, I’m good. But thanks for the offer,” I respond, my tone clipped.
She pulls up short and pouts.
I swear to god, if the woman starts crying …
“Saint, I still need those stir sticks,” Myles calls out.
“Well, then go.”
“I can’t. I have to check the barrels and we have a trainee coming in,” she says.
“Fuck me,” I ground out. “ThenI’llgo. Wouldn’t want to put anyone else out.”
At least it gives me an escape route.
I move past Rebecca, not even acknowledging her bullshit.
“Thanks, Saint,” Myles says, batting her crazy eyelashes at me and blowing a kiss. “You’re the best.”
I walk out the door with my middle finger held high.
The bitch just laughs.
There was a time when walking into Dirty Deeds would have made my pulse race and my mouth go dry. I’m not the kind of girl who frequents adult toy shops.
Or, at least, I didn’tthinkI was.
Then I met Tasia and all that went out the window.
Though, it helps to know the people who run the place. If there was one person in the whole world I wouldn’t be ashamed to buy sex toys from, it’s Dirty Deed’s manager, Quinn.
He’s a take no prisoners kinda guy and gay as the day is long.
I adore him to pieces.
“Hey there, lover girl,” Quinn beams when I walk through the door. He’s shaved the sides of his head since the last time I saw him and on top is a bleached white pile of messy curls.
I can’t help the smile that breaks across my features. Instead of answering him back, I run around the counter and give him a big hug.
“Got the raw end of the stick, did ya?” he purrs, laying his innuendo thick.
I poke him in the chest when I step back. “From what I hear, that’s you.”