Page 24 of Dirty Plans
“Why would you be embarrassed? You were there, sure, but so was he. What washegetting?” Vivian interjects, ever the pragmatic one.
“Girl’s gotta point,” Anna says, clearly impressed.
“Stir sticks that were shaped like penises,” I whisper.
“That’s it?” Tasia says, clearly not thrilled by the purchase. “Are you sure?”
I nod. “Yeah, and I nearly knocked them across the store’s floor with the pink vibrator of doom.”
My cheeks are on fire and I know I must be resembling a lobster right now.
“Did he remember you?” Carlie asks, her eyes sparkling with the kind of enthusiasm only a writer could have given this situation.
“Oh, yeah.” I nod. “I didn’t even recognize him at first.”
She grins slowly. “Buthe recognized you.”
“That’s hot,” Vivian purrs, nodding approval at Carlie.
My eyebrows lower as I shoot her a look of annoyance. “In what realm is any of this hot? And besides,married.” I hold up my left hand and flash her my ring finger. “Remember?”
“Psh, formality,” Vivian counters, with a swipe of her hand.
“That isnota formality. What’s wrong with you?” I fire back, mortified.
Vivian shrugs.
“What’s he like?” Tasia asks, her voice low and face serious.
I inhale and exhale, trying not to swoon. Married women don’t swoon. “He’sLondon. Just older.”
“Yeah, I think we’re gonna need a little more to go on there,” Anna says.
I glance in her direction. This is the longest I’ve seen her off her phone and I’m not sure how I feel about that fact.
“I don’t honestly know. We only talked for a few minutes before I had to get back here,” I offer with a slight raise of my shoulder.
“More like ran away,” Anna responds under her breath.
I elbow her but she just laughs.
“That’s it? He didn’t even ask you to meet up or anything?” Vivian asks, sounding disappointed. As if the idea of bumping into a long-lost friend in an adult toy store isn’t exciting enough for her.
“Well, I mean, yeah,” I sputter, glancing at his number written on my palm. ”He wants to meet up for coffee sometime.”
“That’s great,” Carlie responds, her eyes sparkling.
“Sure. But I don’t think I’ll go,” I say, shaking my head and closing my fist.
“Why in the hell not?” Tasia fires back.
“Because,” I huff, as if the word by itself should be all the evidence I need.
“Youhaveto go,” Vivian says, uncrossing her legs and leaning forward.
“I agree,” Tasia throws her two cents in.
“Ditto.” Anna nods.