Page 29 of Dirty Plans
“Well, I—” Her apprehensive gaze meets mine before she turns back to Quinn. “I probablyshouldeat. Anna brought her favorite wine and I think I had four glasses. The stuff was good.”
“Okay, cool. Let me go close up shop and I’ll drive. Sadly, I haven’t had a drop,” he mutters, then holds out a hand like a stop sign. “Hang out here with London until I get back.”
Without waiting for her response, he turns around and walks back to the store. I gotta hand it to him, he’s smooth.
Lily turns to face me, then takes a deep breath. “So…”
“So,” I repeat. “We meet again.”
She laughs softly, then drops her gaze. “Sorry, I haven’t—”
“No need to be sorry. I’m sure you’re busy.”
She scratches at the spot behind her ear. “I wish I could say that’s my reason. I just—”
“Feel awkward?” I offer.
She nods, then lifts her eyes to meet mine. “Yeah, sorta.”
“It’s okay. It’s fuckin’ weird. I get it.” I shrug.
A broad smile cracks across her features, lighting up her whole face. “It really is. It’s not that I’m not happy to see you—I totally am. It’s just been so long.”
“Right?”Eighteen years, two months, and eleven days.But who’s counting?
Quinn practically skips his way from the store over to us. “My night has officially been made. Tasia offered to close up for me. Ready?”
“Oh, yeah,” Lily says, nodding in agreement. However, I notice her hesitation.
“Tasia works at Dirty Deeds?” I blurt out, surprised that the senator woman would work for a place like that.
Quinn full-on snickers. “No, cupcake. Sheownsit.”
My eyebrows rise. Now that sorta makes sense.
“London, what are you doing right now? Did you want to join us?” Quinn asks with a gigantic grin.
“I’m, uh,” I hedge. Should I say I’m free? Or should I try to play it cool?
Relief flashes through Lily’s features and she reaches out to touch my arm. “Yeah, please come. It would be great to catch up.”
Despite wearing a coat, my arm is hyperaware of how her hand clings to it.
“I don’t want to intrude,” I say, opting for playing it cool, when everything in me is screaminghell yes, I’ll come.
“Nonsense. The more the merrier,” Quinn beams. He’s pretty damn proud of himself for his puppeteering mastermind.
I nod. “All right. As long as I’m not intruding, I’d love to join you. Did you both want to just ride with me? My car’s right here.” I point at the vehicle behind me.
“Catch a ride in an Escalade? Yes,please,” Quinn says, not giving Lily a chance to pick a different option. He opens the rear passenger side door and is already inside before I can turn back to Lily.
Lily just laughs. “I guess that’s a yes, then.”
I nod, following her to the passenger side, so I can open her door for her. She smiles at me, then takes her seat.
When I close the door, I take a few deep breaths and I walk around the back of the truck, rather than the front so no one can witness my mini-panic attack.
My heart is thundering in my chest and I’m about to break into a cold sweat, but I got what I wanted. Lily’s in my vehicle and we’re gonna have dinner.