Page 59 of Dirty Plans
“Saint here—being theangelthat he is—went on to give the ladies a stern conversation about sexual harassment.”
“He didn’t,” I blurt out breathlessly.
“Oh yeah,” Myles says with a nod and eyebrow raise. “He totally did.”
“To be fair, they weren’t acting like they were talking aboutdrinks,” London says, scratching at the back of his neck.
Myles shakes her head. “So, I come back to find London giving this group of drunk women the shakedown and I had to shoo him aside, apologize and tell them that he was new, and make their drinks. Then—”
“You can leave this next part out. Seriously,” London cuts in, narrowing his gaze.
“Youcannotleave it out,” I retort, placing my hand across London’s mouth and turning back to Myles.
“Oh, don’t worry,I won’t.”She grins from me to London, who pushes my hand from his face. “So, after the fiasco with the drinks, Saint decides he’s going to bring their drinks over and apologize to them.”
“Well, that was sweet,” I say, reaching out and patting his arm.
London, on the other hand, is making throat-cutting mannerisms and shooting daggers with his eyes at Myles.
Her grin only broadens. “I, of course, think nothing of this. He’s a burly man, capable of bringing over a tray of drinks to some hot women. Right?”
I bob up and down on my seat, excited to hear what craziness befell him because you know it’s gonna be good. After the start of my day here, it’ll soothe my weary soul to hear about his escapades.
“It would have been fine had one of them not tried to grope me under the table,” he interjects.
“One of them groped you?” I twist to face him, my eyes wide.
Myles scoffs. “Oh, bullshit. That’s just his story to save face.”
“Says you. My man parts were violated,” London counters.
For whatever ungodly reason, I find myself thinking about his man parts. I twist back to Myles, hoping he doesn’t catch the fire burning in my cheeks.
Myles narrows her eyes, watching him for a moment before continuing, “So, anyway … He gets to their table, the tray of drinks in hand”—she pauses for effect—“and proceeds to dump the entire thing—we’re talking fifteen plus drinks here—across the entire group of horny women.”
“Noooo.” Again, I hide my giggles behind my hands.
“Laugh it up,” London says, reaching behind the bar and pouring himself a shot of whiskey.
“To say I wasnotpleased was an understatement. I had to remake the entire tray of drinks,” Myles chuffs, grabbing the bottle back and swatting at his hand. “On the upside, two of the ladies were soaked through and I got a pretty good view of some hard nips because of it.”
“Along with everyone else,” London mutters, shaking his head.
The color in his cheeks does him some good and I can’t help but laugh at the utter predicament. It definitely rivals my own earlier.
“The women were all good-natured about it. Hell, they still gave him a great tip.” Myles picks up a new glass and starts wiping it.
“I felt like a complete ass. Needless to say, that was the firstand lasttime I offered to help out at the bar. For obvious reasons,” London says, flipping over his shot glass and standing up.
“Eh, it was an accident. And makes for one hell of a good story now,” Myles responds with a laugh, grabbing his glass and washing it out.
“That it does,” I say, nodding in agreement.
“Cleary, no good deed goes unpunished,” London retorts.
“That’s why I preferDirty Deeds,” I fire back, spouting off the rest of Dirty Deeds’ tagline. However, when I realize how that could have sounded, I stiffen in my seat.
London’s eyebrows rise and Myles just blinks back at me.