Page 72 of Dirty Plans
Her eyes betray a quiet turmoil, making my chest feel like it’s been taken over by an enthusiastic woodpecker.
She’s dressed in a pair of faded denim jeans that hug her form just right. However, it's her maroon shirt that captures my attention. With her hair up in a ponytail, the neckline invites the gaze, while concealing as much as it reveals.
God, she looks good.
I take a deep breath. It’s now or never.
“Lily, do you have a second?” I ask, making my way to her.
The rest of the group huddles around her, all eyes on me.
“Lookie who’s here, Flower. It’s tall, dark, and gorgeous,” Veronica—no, Vivian—croons, eyeing me up and down like I’m a Porterhouse steak.
I shift uncomfortably.
The Korean woman—can’t remember her name—jabs Vivian in the stomach with her elbow.
“London—” Lily says, her mouth slightly agape. “What are you … ?”
Her question lingers between us as I glance around the group of women.
I tip my head toward the other end of the street. “Care to join me for a sec?”
Tasia turns to Lily. “Do you want me to come with you?”
“No, it’s fine.” Lily’s exhale makes her shoulders drop and my heart goes right along with it.
Something’s not right.
I can feel it.
Whatever it is, it isn’t going to be good news.
As Lily steps toward me, the four remaining women huddle together, all eyes on the two of us, as we walk down the sidewalk toward the corner of the block.
When we reach the end, I turn to face her. The turmoil in her eyes carries a hint of curiosity now.
I clear my throat. “Lily, I—” Blinking rapidly, I try to grab hold of the words that will help her understand how I’m feeling.
I don’t want there to be confusion—or weird vibes. I want us to be on the same page.
She shakes her head. “London, I’m sorry. It’s been a difficult week. I know I should have talked to you sooner. Things have been weird and I just didn’t know how to bring it up. Then, when I didn’t bring it up, it made it harder to say anything at all. You know?”
Confusion clouds my mind and I hope she’s not upset at me. “Bring what up?”
Lily glances down, some strands of her hair falling in front of her face in the motion. After a moment, she glances back up and levels her stare on a long exhale. “My husband, Seth, is back home. He took a job in Duluth to be closer—to me.”
Understanding kicks me straight in the balls.
The distance she put between us this week wasn’t about the near kiss.
It’s about the heart of her marriage.
She wants to be with him. And now he’s back.
“Fuck, Lily, that’s great,” I sputter, trying to muster up the energy to be happy for her.
She narrows her eyes, watching me for a moment.