Page 93 of Dirty Plans
When London glares in return, Cal continues, “Got an alert for activity on the roof. Came to check it out because, you know, it’smy job. The one youhiredme for.”
“Well, it’s just us. You can go now,” London fires back, his chest heaving and eyes wild.
Cal holds London’s gaze for a beat, then turns ever so slightly to face me. “You good, Lily?”
Nodding, I swallow hard.
But, the funny thing is, I don’t know why I nodded.
I’mnotgood. I’m soooo far from good it’s left the planet.Goodis off orbiting the rings of Saturn at this point.
I start inching toward the elevator.
I need to get out of here.
I need to think.
To come up with a plan …
To get the feeling of London’s, hands, body,kissout of my goddamn mind.
To …
“Lily, don’t move.” London commands, holding one hand up to me and another to Cal like he’s a conductor of an orchestra. I stop moving out of impulse. “Cal—” He widens his eyes and jabs his index finger toward the elevator.
Cal shrugs, raising his hands to the sky, and turns on his heel. When he reaches the elevator, he turns around and says, “Don’t do anything else stupid.”
When the doors to the elevator close with Cal inside, I cover my hands over my face and sink to the ground.
God, I’ve messed up.
So bad.
Never in a million years would I have thought I could do something like this.
What kind of horrible person kisses another man—a man who isn’t her husband?
Angie will have a field day if she finds out.
I’ll be strung up like the floozy I am.
Before I know it, London is standing in front of me.
“Lily, look at me,” he whispers, pressing his warm hands to my shoulders.
Taking a deep breath, I drop my hands and fight back the tears threatening to reemerge—but for an entirely different reason this time.
All oxygen leaves my lungs and my heart thumps unevenly in my chest, pressing home its point with each beat.
When we lock eyes, his expression softens. Then, he pulls me closer, kisses the side of my head, and wraps his arms around me. Arms I shouldn’t want to take comfort in.
But I do.