Page 10 of Seized By Wrath
“I don't know, maybe you weren't looking. I've been there.”
I accept the warm-up of coffee from the waitress and think about the other girls who walked around the rec room at youth group. Some of them, dressed in skirts hiked up to God knows where, have run in-and-out of that church all summer long. Now, those girls, I have noticed. I chuckle a bit at the hard-ons I’ve gotten after witnessing the ‘hot girl check-in’ as I used to refer to it.
I may have seen Tamryn a couple of times with some friends. I even think I saw her talking to my foster sister, now that I think of it. But honestly, I couldn't see past my nose most nights, cause I didn't want to be there.
“Okay, whatever, what made you so bold to walk up to me tonight?”
“I don't know, maybe I was led.”
“Better led than dead right?”
“I guess you could say that.”
“Are you done eating, can we pay this check and get the hell out of here?”
“Can you stop swearing?”
Chapter 6
We pay the bill and walk out of the diner. The night is starting to grow cooler at this point. The wind is picking up a bit and the trees, turning from green to oranges and yellows, are rustling. I see her rub at her arms, and I know she is chilly.
“How far do you live from here?” I ask.
“Across the bridge.”
“Over in New Kingston?”
She nods but doesn't confirm that's really where she's from.
“Where are you from?” she asks.
“Around these parts.”
She laughs. “Vague.”
“Can I show you something?” I ask, not sure what I am going to do, but I feel comfortable around this girl for some reason and don't know why.
“Sure, we have all night, right? We’re supposed to be at the lock-in.”
She is right; the lock-in at the church is supposed to happen between midnight until about 7:00 or 8:00 in the morning the next day. Our parents think all the teenagers will stand and listen to the God-filled preaching the pastor has to do until the parents come and pick us up. So, if we stay out all night, and then sneak back in somehow, we will be good.
It's my turn to take her hand, and I drag her off into the direction of the one place I know that we can have a lock-in for ourselves. There is a small grove in the city park that not many people know about that I made for myself. I keep a tent there, so when my foster family gets on my nerves, I sneak out and go there to chill out.
“Wait, Phoe, where are we going?” I hear her loud whisper behind me.
“You led, and I followed before, right?”
“I mean, yea, but I led you to a public diner. You are dragging me into the park at night. You have me a bit worried.”
Okay, that is a fair point. I stop and turn to her. “I won’t do anything. You are safe, don’t be worried.”
“He says right before he slaughters and offers me to Satan.”
I roll my eyes. “Just come on, Tamryn.”
When we reach my tent, she looks around and a smile spreads across her face. “This is a cozy set up,” she says, taking in my folding chair and the fire pit space I built.