Page 19 of Expecting in Oceans
Enry wailed in pain. Visir whispered comforts to him. I pointed at Istil.
“Come here,” I grunted. “Both of you, now, come with me.”
I led Shen and Istil away from the others.
“What kind of healer are you?” Istil hissed.
“Would you not blurt out things that could cause Enry unnecessary stress?” I said.
He edged forward, lowering his voice even more. “How could you never have delivered an egg before?”
Our foreheads were practically butted together. “Because I’m asea dragonhealer.”
“I don’t understand why that should matter!” Istil replied angrily.
“Because sea dragons don’t lay eggs,” Shen said slowly, interrupting our little moment. “I can’t believe I forgot.”
“Say that again?” Istil said.
“I read about it when I was cataloging a collection of material on the different dragon groups. Sea dragons give live birth like humans do.”
“Yes, exactly,” I said. “Now if Enry were a dragon, that might make things more straightforward, but since he’s a human, that puts me even further into unknown territory.”
“There are specific potions that need to be crafted to ease the process,” Shen said, “but the problem is, I don’t know what the equivalent ingredients are on T’Wanu Na, or if there even are any.”
“Shit,” I muttered. “Perhaps Eli would know, his alchemy and potioncraft are stronger than mine.”
“Kai went to find him,” Istil said.
“Good,” I said. “Then we should get started and do what we can. Shen, write down the ingredients and I’ll see what I recognize.”
“Got it. But there’s one more problem, and it might be a big one. Once the egg is showing, he’ll need a transference of elemental energy from his mate. That’s fire energy.”
“It has to be from his mate?” I asked. “It can’t be from other dragons?”
“I-I’m not sure.”
“Or else, what?” Istil said.
Shen shook his head. “I’m sorry. I don’t know.”
“Well, we don’t have any other choice,” I said. “This egg is coming now. We can’t delay it.”
For the first time since I’d met him, I saw a glimmer of fear on Istil’s face.
“We’re going to take care of Enry,” I said as I fought a strong urge to reach out and touch his hand. Instead, I forced a smile onto my face.
We hurried to set up a makeshift nest for Enry next to the water to make him as comfortable as possible. He was in a lot of pain and struggling to focus on maintaining his connection to the gate while at the same time dealing with the intense contractions. I had potions and tinctures on hand that were specially formulated for humans who were pregnant by sea dragons, but I couldn’t be certain if they would be safe for Enry and his egg. All we could do was wait. Istil sat next to me with his hands clasped around Enry’s.
“Breathe with me, Enry,” Istil said. “This technique will steady your mind.”
Istil drew in a slow, long breath, letting his chest rise and fall. A cool breeze rippled through the garden, rustling the leaves. Visir did the same, and as Enry followed their lead, his pain seemed to come under control. The light from within the pool grew stronger and turned a pale green, and I felt an upwelling of energy from within me that made the hairs on my arms prick up. It felt like I could fly. The breeze became a strong wind that shook the trees and scattered the waterfall’s spray across us.
Shen returned with his ingredient list. I unrolled a woven mat next to Enry’s nest and weighted the parchment down with rocks, then unpacked my medicine box and carefully organized everything I had.
“I recognize two or three of these,” I said, tapping the list. “The rest of these plants, I’m not certain.”
“Yeah,” Shen said. “Common plants you can find anywhere around Stonvale. If I knew the base compounds, it might make things easier for us, but I don’t. I’d need reference books.”