Page 25 of Expecting in Oceans
Enry’s face lit up. For a moment, it was like he forgot he was in the middle of giving birth.
Makoa and Leo grabbed Layne’s hands and helped him up from the pool. Visir and I stepped away to give him room at Enry’s side.
“How did you come through so quickly?” Enry asked.
Layne wrapped his hands around Enry’s. “We saw the gate trying to open, and I just knew you needed me. I could feel you calling out.”
“You’re always there to rescue me,” Enry said, then his smile was broken by another wave of contractions, and he cried out in pain.
“You’re the mate, I take it?” Ari said to Layne as he and Eli retook their positions. “Let’s put a hold on the tearful reunions until after we have this egg safely delivered.”
Eli shook Layne’s hand. “You’re just on time.”
* * *
I knelt with Visir close to Enry’s side and wished that there was something more for me to do than watch. Hearing him struggling wasn’t easy for me to sit with, but I wasn’t a healer. I didn’t know the first thing about giving birth. But I was going to get all the experience I could ever want.
Without thinking, I placed my hand on my stomach.
It was going to be me lying there with Ari between my legs growling at me to push. That was real, that was going to happen, and thinking about it now as I watched it all happening right in front of me smacked me with a fist of emotions. Enry had a mate. He was in love. He wanted this.
I didn’t want to be pregnant!
I didn’t want Ari’s baby! All I’d wanted to do was finally get this buffet of alpha dicking started, and now it was all over, just as it’d begun.
But seeing Layne grip Enry’s hand, the way they looked at each other, and just how incredibly hard Enry had fought all on his own to get the gate open—it made my heart go soft. For the briefest instant, I wanted the same thing. I imagined myself pregnant with a mate comforting me as I shat out his stupid fertilized egg. Not Ari, dammit. Not Ari.
“Istil,” Visir said, interrupting my thoughts in a voice loud enough that only I could hear it.
“What’s wrong with you? Tell me honestly.”
I glanced at him, but he kept his eyes fixed straight ahead.
“Is this the time?” I said back.
“If it’s keeping your mind wandering, then yes. Unburden yourself so you can focus.”
I sighed. “Not a word to anyone?”
“Remember how I told you I was going to do everything I could to get some on the night of your ceremony?”
“Yes. You said you were unsuccessful.”
I wasn’t embarrassed I’d ended up hopping on Ari’s cock that night. Alright, maybe I was alittleembarrassed, only because of how I’d been butting heads with him right until we were butting other things together. But whatever the reason was, I’d decided to keep the rendezvous to myself instead of bragging about it like I normally would’ve.
“That wasn’t entirely true,” I told Visir. “And actually… I guess I was a littletoosuccessful.”
Visir looked at me. “What?”
I nodded slowly. “I don’t know what to do.”
“Who is the fa—”