Page 6 of Love In Harbor Falls
“Yes and no. As much as I loved Italy, I missed you girls and wanted to come home. I’ve brought someone back with me who I want you to meet. When will you be back in New York?”
“I just got to Harbor Falls today. I’ll be flying back in three days.”
“Harbor Falls? Why are you there?”
“It’s a long story, Mom, and I’ll tell you everything when I get back.”
“Did something happen with you and Darren?”
“Yeah. Something did happen. Like I said, I’ll explain everything when I come home.”
“Alright. Stay safe, and I’ll see you soon.”
My mother left for Italy three months ago. She was only supposed to be gone for a month but decided to extend her vacation, and she wasn’t supposed to be back for a couple of more months. I didn’t tell her what happened between Darren and me because the last thing I wanted was for her to worry about me like she always did. Now, she was home and brought someone back with her. The thought made me happy because my mother hadn’t been since my father passed away eight years ago.
Two days had passed, and I was already in love with the quaint coastal town. While walking down Harbor Street doing some shopping, I came across a corner space with a for lease sign in the window. I stood on the sidewalk and looked inside the window. From what I could see, it was a great space, and the wheels in my head started to spin. No, I thought. I couldn’t. But a little voice inside me told me I could.
Taking my phone from my purse, I dialed the phone number and set up an appointment to view the space. Within thirty minutes, Gloria, the realtor, unlocked the door, and we stepped inside. My vision became clear as I walked around the space, and I realized this was the perfect opportunity to make my dream come alive.
Art was my passion, and I always dreamed of owning my own art gallery. When I would mention it to Darren, he told me I wouldn’t have time to run a business if I wanted a child. So basically, the ultimatum was either an art gallery or a baby. Since a child wasn’t in my near future anymore, and I would soon be out of the grips of a marriage, it was time for me to start living my dream.
“I’ll take it.” I swallowed hard as I looked at Gloria.
“Excellent, Mrs. Richards. I’ll draw up the lease agreement, and we can review the details in my office.
“It’s Ms. Richards.” I smiled.
After reviewing the lease, I also spoke to Gloria about houses for sale in the area. She was ecstatic because one had just gone on the market a few hours before I called her about the store space for lease.
“I have the perfect house that just went on the market today.” She beamed. “It’s immaculate and turnkey ready. I believe it’s the perfect house for you. If you have time, I can show you it now.”
I followed her to the property. When I pulled into the driveway, my eyes were fixated on the light gray Hardie-sided two-story home with white trim, white shutters, and a red front door with beautifully designed etched glass in the middle of it. Before stepping inside, I felt this would be the perfect home.
“The home is twenty-three hundred square feet with four bedrooms and three bathrooms. The owners renovated the entire house this year. Everything is brand new, right down to the flooring,” Gloria spoke as we toured the perfect space.
Instantly, I fell in love with the home. But the one thing that sealed the deal was the panoramic ocean views and the two-tiered deck and stairs that led down to the beach. Money wasn’t an issue. Not only did I have my savings, but I would also get a large sum of money from the divorce settlement.
“Why did the owners want to sell if they renovated the place?”
“Mr. Waters got a job transfer to Florida. It was very unexpected.”
“And when would the house be available for move-in?”
“As soon as we get the finances in order. It could be as early as next week.”
I put in my offer, and Gloria immediately called the owners, who graciously accepted. Within a few hours, I became a homeowner and an art gallery owner. As scary as the thought seemed about starting over somewhere completely new, there was a newfound excitement inside me that I’d never felt before.
* * *
“What?” Hannah said as she and our mother sat on the couch, staring at me as if I’d lost my mind.
“You’re moving out of New York?” my mother asked.
“I am. You know my dream has always been to open up an art gallery, and Harbor Falls is the best place to do it.”