Page 50 of Biker Daddies' Vows
That tugged a small smile out of me. I noticed Sophie eyeing it. We met each other’s gaze, hers intense, and I found myself wishing that times were different and I could just enjoy winding down with her. Being with her just felt so… different, like she anchored me from my fast-paced life and gave me purpose.
A temporary purpose, I had to remind myself. But it was better than nothing.
Finally, Matthew gave up and nodded. “Fine. I have to warn the gang, anyway. Just…”
He gave me a look that only said one thing: Keep an eye on both of them.
I nodded back. There was no need for words because I planned to lay my fucking life down for them if it meant putting them out of danger.
I didn’t realize how much age mattered and how much younger Sebastian was compared to the two other men until I witnessed him being babied the moment he was discharged and got back home to our apartment. Sure, it was only a five-year difference with Matthew and a one-year difference with Rupert, but those two were mentally more mature than he was. Perhaps it had a lot to do with upbringing and how Matthew and Rupert had led harder lives in their childhood, while Sebastian came from a rather good one.
Almost losing him got to them, so I couldn’t blame them for hovering when we settled back into the apartment. But Sebastian didn’t like people hovering over him.
And he didn’t like that he wasn’t recovering as fast as the doctor had predicted.
“Could I get some help around here? Is anyone home?”
I glanced at Matthew, who paused from arranging his tie and looked ready to bolt to Sebastian’s room. I shook my head, then took the extra measure and blocked his way, too. I knew he wanted to deal with this like he wanted to deal with a lot of things firsthand, but he already dealt with this for too long and needed to get back on track with the restaurant.
“I’ll handle it,” I whispered and kissed him on the cheek. “Go do your thing.”
“He’ll get pissy with you. He’s been a grouch lately.”
“It’s nothing I can’t handle,” I promised, then gave in when his mouth sought mine. We kissed like we had all the time in the world, prolonging it until I felt his erection rubbing against my belly. I longed to hold it and make him feel good, maybe even have him inside me. But I knew he’d be late if we fooled around.
Matthew, however, didn’t have the same worries as he slipped a hand in between my legs and touched me where I ached the most. I moaned in his mouth and rode his fingers, then reached out and rubbed him out over his trousers. His fingers were so skilled that I came first, and I watched, dazed, as he slipped his fingers in his mouth and sucked the wetness off. That turned me on all over again, but he stepped back before I could take out his cock and stroke him.
“I just can’t seem to get things done around you,” he grumbled, but he was amused about it. “I can’t wait to be inside you again, Soph.”
I pouted. “Then come fuck me.”
“Later. When we can take it slow and I can take my time with you.”
His promise sounded dark and delicious. I knew there was no convincing him short of aggressively seducing him to change his mind, so I kissed him one more time and let him go. Then I went to check on Sebastian.
The man was sitting upright in bed, his torso bandaged up, his arm in a sling, and his hand in a cast. The bandage around his head was gone, and his once-swollen eye and mouth looked better. With his rumpled golden hair and the four-o’clock shadow he hadn’t shaved yet, he was adorably gorgeous. I wanted to rain on him with kisses and cuddles. But he was frowning too much and wasn’t in the mood, so I offered him a smile instead.
“Hey. I’m sorry I’m late. What did you need help with?”
He pointed at his hand, then pouted at me. It was the same pout I gave Matthew when I wanted to get my way earlier.
“I want this damn thing removed.”
I should have known it was about the cast, considering he complained about it since day one and how it was limiting his hand movement. It made me realize that Sebastian was all about his gestures and moving hands, his dramatic flair at its best when he used them. I understood how losing one’s best outlet could get to a person because I was pretty sure I would have acted the same if I wasn’t allowed to do the stuff I liked. It was a new facet to Sebastian since he was usually a patient man, and I granted him another smile as I sat on the bed beside him.
“Listen. We can argue about this all day or you can just accept that the cast isn’t coming off today.”
“Why the hell not?” he grumbled. But the look I sent him calmed him down enough to refrain from his usual rants. After a while, he sighed reluctantly. “Are you sure the doctor said I can’t take it off early?”
“If we take it off early, it might not be fully healed yet and you’ll end up even more injured. How about we just wait three more days? It’s just three days. It’s not that bad, right? And your other hand’s still pretty mobile.”
To emphasize my point, I took his other hand and kissed it, then laid my head on his good shoulder.
“Fine. That’s better than nothing.”