Page 57 of Biker Daddies' Vows
Worst of all, any of the eyewitnesses could be a Wolf Warrior in disguise.
And there was no turning back from that.
“You haven’t said a word since we left the restaurant.”
Sophie’s tone was mild, but it didn’t stop me from remembering everything that asshole ex of hers did and said to her. Because the business had to go on, we had to return to the restaurant and pretend like everything was normal. But I was aware of the whispers in the crowd and the looks sent our way, every single second of it driving me insane until it felt like I was going to explode. I was so furious that it was out and that I couldn’t finish what I wanted to do so badly, wring that bastard’s neck until he stopped breathing. To fucking kill him for so much as breathing in her direction. It was a brand of violence that was rare for me, and it took every ounce of my self-control to keep it at bay and eventually tamp it down.
Now, hours later in our apartment, I was still sick to my stomach, but for different reasons. It wrecked me that the secret was out, yes, but only because she was no longer safe and might experience something worse than what Sebastian had. Could I live with that?
“Matt,” she tried again, trying to get to me. When I still didn’t speak, Sophie finally had enough and grabbed my wrist. I could have pulled away, but I didn’t have the heart when she tugged insistently until I was facing her. Concerned eyes met mine, her thumb automatically rubbing my palm to soothe me. She was soothingme.
She was too good for me. Too kind. And as much as it would hurt me, I knew what I had to do. There was no other choice.
“We should end this, Soph.”
Her rubbing thumb stilled. The rest of her body did, too, bit by slow bit until she was completely frozen. I swallowed, apprehensive at the thought of hurting her. But having someone else hurt her more brutally was far worse, and I couldn’t just stand by and let it happen. I tried to scan my muddled mind for the right words, but they escaped me.
“I know it’s sudden—”
The interruption caught me off guard. “Soph—”
“The answer is no, Matthew. I’m not letting you do this. Irefuse.I’m not letting you go, and you’re a coward if you do.”
I blinked. Then I examined her closely, noting that while she still hadn’t moved, her expression was of one ready to fight. She was putting her foot down in the calmest manner.
“Soph,” I tried again. “You don’t seem to understand.”
“Oh, I understand. You’re trying to break up with me because you think it’s the noble thing to do. You’re trying to keep me safe from rumors, from that gang, and from my father’s wrath.” She scoffed. “Yeah, well, it’s too late because the secret’s already out and I’m a walking target for that gang if ever the news gets back to them. As for my father…”
Shock slammed into me when she took out her phone and began dialing a number I still recognized even after all these years. I called that number from time to time, checking in on a friend who had always been kind to me in our younger years. A sound came out of my throat as I strode toward her, but Sophie sidestepped me and refused to drop the call. Understanding shone on her face as if she knew this was the last invisible barrier between us.
“Sophie, you need to drop that call,” I warned, close to scowling. “Your father—”
“Hey, Dad. How’s it going?”
I shut up.
“Sophie, you know you’re supposed to make an appointment when you call me in the middle of a work day.”
Paul Jones’ voice echoed in the room as Sophie put him on speakerphone, jolting me. But it was his words that caught my attention the most.
“I know, Dad, and I’m sorry for calling you out of the blue. But I promise you that it’s important.”
“Hmm. Is there something you wish to tell me?”
Paul’s voice sounded like he was expecting news already. Sophie replied without missing a beat.
“Yes. I broke up with Brett.”
I waited for the man’s flurry of questions, but all he did was sigh. “No wonder his father has been trying to arrange meetings with me. You don’t think it’s business-related?”
“I don’t think so, Dad.”