Page 61 of Biker Daddies' Vows
And I wasn’t ready. That sank into my mind like a mantra, especially when I didn’t feel my phone buzz. On cue, one of the men stepped forward and searched me without warning. I hissed and tried to get away, then winced when I was forcibly held in place. My nerves spiked when the phone was snatched from my pocket, and I watched as they read the messages and handed the phone to her. Vicky.
Vicky read my last message and smirked. “Smart girl. You know your friend’s value.”
I glanced at Jean, my fingers itching. I tried to tell her without words that we were far from ready, that I got here too early, and that there should have been far more obstacles before I got to her. I needed time. Jean shivered, an open display of fear. But her eyes… They were steady, calm, and speaking to me.
You got this,those eyes said.
Courage wrapped around me like a blanket. I shrugged off my coat and tossed it over her shoulders, scowling at the men when they attempted to hold me back again. Vicky watched me like a hawk, her expression smug when she waved the men away.
“Leave us be. I want to deal with this one alone.”
They glanced at each other, but the look she gave them had them reluctantly trudging off. I felt some of the tension ease from my shoulders, but I didn’t let my guard down as Vicky circled me.
“Don’t try anything,” she warned. “Or—”
“She gets in trouble,” I finished and raised a brow. “I know. You said that in the call.”
Vicky’s mouth thinned, displeased at my interruption. But she hadn’t lost her smug look.
“So, you’re the one they’re fucking.”
Vicky scoffed. “You would dare to deny it when you have plenty of witnesses? There was even a video uploaded of your little fiasco. Four men fighting over you. a! I can’t believe you even got their leader to sleep with you. How cozy is that?”
“You’re mistaken.”
“But I justsaidthere’s a video—”
“I meant you’re mistaken that I’m just sleeping with them,” I said, careful to tone down my voice. The lightness of it made it seem like we were just two friends having a conversation, even if what I truly wanted to do was smack her across the face for all the things she’d done to Sebastian and Rupert. To Jean. I looked her in the eye. “I’m not just sleeping with them. I love them and they love me.”
Surprise glinted in her features at my words. Then a sneer crossed her beautiful face and I could see when anger began to form.
“Rupert, fall in love? And Sebastian? You’re talking about a hard ass and a playboy. They love to use people, especially in bed.” I tensed when she stepped closer until she was within whispering distance. “They fuck hard, and love’s never in the mix, though if you beg right, they’ll make promises. I bet you begged hard and made them say they loved you while they were inside you, didn’t you? I used to do that.”
Just like that, my temper flared. How could she? Fury spurted that this woman could twist something so tender and think sex equated to love. I fisted my hand behind my back, but a glance at Jean reminded me what I was here for. I tried my best to calm down and tilted my head.
“Then that wasn’t love,” I said. “They lusted after you until they found out just how petty and ugly you are deep inside. You wouldn’t understand love even if it hit you between the eyes.”
A hand grabbed my arm, but I yanked it back. “Don’t touch me—”
“You little twit. Do you think just because you had three and you’re with them right now you get to live your happily ever after? Yeah, well, you’re number one on my list now.”
“Why? What could you possibly do to ruin my reputation further?”
Vicky smirked, but the hard look in her eyes didn’t leave. “I could spread that video until everyone thinks you’re a slut. I’ll make your little gang suffer with pranks and little mistakes they won’t recover from. Did you think I was done with Rupert’s business? That was just the beginning.”
My heart pounded. It took everything in me to bite my tongue.
“Sebastian and Matthew won’t be safe,” Vicky continued. “You get to watch them suffer when I’m done with them—”
The snap in the air was from a different voice, one filled with impatience and exasperation. I glanced at the two men’s return, but the third man with them was unfamiliar. I noted the wiry build and the tattoos all over his body, similar to Rupert’s. Again, the wolf symbol was prominent on his arm, but his face was clean except for the scruffy beard.
There was a fourth man, too, though I couldn’t exactly call him that yet. He looked more like a teenage boy, his gaze shifty and torn between uncertainty and nervousness. He was scrawny and looked entirely new to the whole thing. I shifted my focus back to the third man and watched as dark eyes regarded me curiously.