Page 63 of Biker Daddies' Vows
“But what for? Why are you targeting the Huntsmen?”
“Because they’re a bunch of pussies who think they’re better than me, and my leader thinks they’renot bad.But he’ll see. I’ll ruin them and there will be nothing left for anyone to admire.”
It dawned on me that this wasn’t just about getting the upper hand but about jealousy. I opened my mouth, but Victor was on a roll.
“He’ll see just how pathetic they are. The Huntsmen are nothing but a bunch of wannabes and their power’s an illusion. He’ll realize I’m his most loyal comrade and he’ll see how much I’ve done for our group.”
“And he’ll know every slimy little thing you did. I can guarantee that.”
Matthew’s voice boomed in the air and had everyone moving at once. Instinct had me leaping from my spot to protect Jean, then crouching to hurriedly untie her when Victor, Vicky, and the three men surged forward as if to fight. But it was too late as men spilled out of the shadows and surrounded them, and they were men I recognized. My heart flew to my throat when Victor put up a fight until Matthew stepped directly in his path and held him by the throat, just like he did Brett.
A hand wrapped around mine. I glanced at Rupert, who tugged me back as gray eyes assured me that everything was fine. That was when I realized I was trembling so hard and getting nowhere with the ropes. With a deep breath, I retreated and let him cut them off instead. Jean and I flew toward each other when she was free, hugging tightly until our trembling stopped.
“We did it,” she whispered.
I nodded, still in disbelief. When I was steadier, I pulled out of the embrace and waited until Jean pulled a small device out of her shoe. I snatched a similar one out of my bra.
Then we played the two devices until our voices filled the air.
“What the—” Victor squawked, then choked at Matthew’s tightening hold. Rupert hurried over when Victor struggled harder and the two locked him in place.
Sebastian, who’d been holding on to Vicky to keep her in place, ignored her while she tried to sweet-talk her way out of his grasp. He only had eyes on me and they were filled with pride as second by second, the recording devices played every word spoken since I got here. It even played Jean pleading with all her might and Vicky threatening her with the foulest things. When the recordings finally ended, Victor hissed.
“That doesn’t prove anything. It could be any voice…”
His eyes bulged out when the scrawny teenager shrugged the hold off him and winked at his supposed enemies. I’d never met him before, but I was told Wesley was a cheeky kid who liked to run errands and was very loyal to Matthew, who also saved him from trouble when he was younger. The nerves and uncertainty from earlier were gone as Wesley sauntered over and waved another device in the air. When he played it, we got a play-by-play of what happened caught on camera.
Vicky paled. Victor’s eyes darted around wildly, but Matthew was in his face and speaking in a soft, easy tone.
“We have everything on audio and video. Your confession and the names of the people involved and not involved, which clear your leader of any fault. And in case you haven’t comprehended it yet, you’ve been set up, not the other way around. Did you think we would let Jean get kidnapped that easily?” Matthew glanced at Wesley, who beamed. “You really should watch out who you let into your group, but I suppose you were so desperate for outside help since you couldn’t exactly tell your leader and members about your dirty activities.”
“Over. You’re over. We’re sending this video to your gang leader as we speak, and he’ll soon find out about your wrongdoings. I don’t know why you don’t know, but I’ve been speaking with him this past week.” Matthew’s words had Victor freezing. “He’s a decent fellow and he thinks I am, too. I think if you ask for forgiveness, he won’t kill you.”
“But if you so much as pull another prank on us, kidnap one of us, or touch a single hair in any of our bodies, then every piece of evidence we have in here will be sent to the cops, and you know the cops in our city are not as forgiving as your leader.” A heavy pause coated the air with ice. “Don’t mess with us again. Ever. Tell your men the same.”
Matthew signaled once. His men let the others go, including Vicky, who gave me such a look of hatred that it tightened my belly. But she knew she was defeated and made a run for it, her heels clacking loudly on her way out. The two men followed, panic visible in their bodies.
Finally, Victor followed suit, no longer smug. He was panicking, too, and stumbling on his way out, his footsteps the loudest until he was gone.
“Keep a watch on him and his accomplices,” Matthew warned. “I think we have that under control now, but I want to make sure they don’t retaliate out of desperation.”
Sebastian nodded. “Kyle’s on it.”
More information and instructions were exchanged, but I could barely pay attention as my mind settled on one thing. The bad men were done for, and we were all safe.
And that was all I needed to know as I finally let restraints go and went to embrace the people I loved.
“Hey, girlfriend. You look crazy hot today.”