Page 66 of Biker Daddies' Vows
“Sophie, you’re our home,” he murmured. “This is just an apartment. And what’s a change of location, anyway, when we all have vehicles? It’s not like the restaurant is that close to here, anyway, so it won’t affect us that much.”
“And the headquarters is closer to your new location,” Rupert piped in quietly.
This time, I could no longer stifle my grin. “It’s the perfect place to move and start over. To celebrate.”
“And since we’re on the topic of celebration, here.”
She stared at the box that Matthew held out to her. Her hand shook when she took it, and I held my breath. Would she like it? Would she hate it? We hadn’t planned on giving it to her until after she started work, but…
Sophie gasped when she opened it. I thought I glimpsed tears when she fingered the jewelry, a sparkling, teardrop-shaped pendant that matched the color of her eyes.
“What is this?”
“Just a little token,” I replied, banding an arm around her while my free hand wiped her tears away. I kissed them away from her cheeks, too. “I hope you like it, baby.”
“I love it!” she exclaimed and broke into the sweetest, brightest grin there was. “I love you. All of you.”
I kissed her grin away next, then stepped back so the two men could have their turns. Minutes later, everything turned frenzied and a different kind of celebration took place, one we transferred to the bedroom—my bedroom this time. I watched with fervent desire and so much love as the woman of our dreams cried out in ecstasy when Matthew entered her and made love to her, then when Rupert did the same. When it was my turn, I gazed into her eyes as we rocked into each other’s bodies, consumed with emotions that filled us to the brim. When I came inside her, it was her name falling from my lips and her heart thundering against mine.
I was wrong. Nothing was ruined.
In fact, moving to a new place was the icing on the cake, and I couldn’t wait to build this new life with her.
“Merry Christmas!”
I blinked as I stopped in my tracks, then gaped at the apartment. What was once a pristine, cozy place had turned into Winter Wonderland with the Christmas tree, a sizzling fireplace, and twinkling lights that gave everything a festive feel. My gaze then slid toward Sophie, who sauntered over to me, her cheeks glowing and her eyes sparkling. God, I always seemed to forget how beautiful she was, and every time I saw her felt like a blast to the system.
She tried to jump into my arms. I caught her but sidestepped, my heart jumping in terror. Sophie felt it and giggled as she rained my face with enthusiastic kisses.
“Relax,” she said, “A little collision won’t hurt it.”
My hand automatically went to her belly to feel her. The red sweater she had on swallowed most of her body up, but I could still detect the small bump that was already forming. Awe filled me and made me speechless, so I just reached out until my mouth pressed against hers and I could finally kiss her properly. It was a gentle kiss at first, then it turned dizzying when I felt her heat and growing arousal. But the bump rubbing against my stomach reminded me that I couldn’t be as rough with her as before, so I pulled back with a chuckle.
“Let’s not collide until we’re in bed and in a more comfortable position,” I suggested. I almost laughed when she looked ready to jump into bed at my words. Instead of letting her tug me, I kissed her nose. “Merry Christmas. This is perfect. You’re fucking perfect.”
“No, I’m not. I’m getting huge and—”
“Gorgeous no matter what size you are,” I finished. I tilted her chin until she met my gaze. “Perfect to ravish until I have you moaning under me all night long, but I have a feeling that’s not what your initial excitement was all about.”
I was right. She lit up all over again, then grew restless as she pulled me to the couch. I listened to her as she called Matthew and he apologized over speakerphone.
“I’m sorry I’m running late. I’m trying to get out of this board meeting, but your father’s being a hard ass. I think we’re almost done, though, and I can’t wait to get home. But I also have to make sure we’ve ironed this out so we’re done with future meetings. He’s ahugefan of meetings.”
She rolled her eyes. So did I. I met Paul Jones once when she introduced me and Sebastian as her friends, not wanting to give her father a heart attack over our real relationship. He was a charming man who assessed people based on their social status, but only when those people were intimately connected to his daughter. Because we were just her “friends”,he was perfectly nice to us. Matthew, in the meantime…
“Tell him that Mom’s waiting for him with her special dinner. I heard she’s inviting some new friends over since I’m not visiting until the New Year.”
He thought it over, decided to give it a try, and was off the phone. I wandered to the kitchen and dialed another number, still amazed at how much larger the space was compared to the old one. But it was homier, too, and we had Sophie to thank for that.
“Hey, man,” Sebastian greeted. “How’s she doing?”
“Did she get through the doctor’s appointment alright?”