Page 7 of Biker Daddies' Vows
“Not her, Malone,” I muttered. “Anyone but her.”
I could call anyone. My phone book was filled with numbers of women I knew who would be down for some fun. But lately, I just wasn’t into it anymore. I was too involved in my investigation and work life. The last woman I fucked was an acquaintance who loved to flirt and tease me, and we had a fun few nights before parting ways. Nothing special, and I heard she moved on and was dating a gym instructor now.
I could try again with someone else. Or I could just stop thinking about the woman I’d be living with for the next few weeks.
“Latter. Less complicated,” I muttered again.
Just as I finished piling up the plates in the rack, the front door opened, and in slipped a figure who should have been here hours ago. I eyed Rupert Garth, our third roommate, who normally looked sleek and menacing. Now, he just looked tired and menacing, the weariness heavy on his shoulders and the scowl darkening his mouth. That didn’t bode well.
“I shouldn’t ask, but—”
“Don’t ask.”
“No luck with the investigation?” I asked, anyway.
His scowl deepened. “Not a single fucking luck.”
And that was why he was in a terrible mood—even more terrible than his usual terrible mood, which was saying something.
“Well, shit.”
“I know. I hate it, too, and I would hate to tell the others tomorrow. And what the hell is this, Seb?”
Gray eyes flew to the kitchen counter, which I hadn’t finished wiping yet. Then his gaze latched on to the plates.
“Food,” I mused. “Surely you eat, too?”
“Two plates. I know Matt sleeps early. You brought a goddamn hookup home?”
“You know what, I don’t want to know,” he growled out, holding up a hand before he combed it through his messy hair. “I’m tired, so you’d better keep your activities quiet.”
“Speaking of activities…”
“Goodnight, Seb.”
Rupert didn’t even wait for me to respond, already marching toward his bedroom. He slammed the door, clearly not about to calm down anytime soon.
With a sigh, I plucked a towel, got back to cleaning the kitchen, and wondered just how much the dynamics of this home would change with Sophie’s presence.
I woke up in a better mood and had to credit the two men for making me feel comfortable in their apartment. Who knew eating that late could solve my sleeping problem? I had never felt so recharged in my life. I perked my ears for movement outside the door, but all I heard was silence. Were they still asleep, or did they go out already?
Either way, I was badly in need of a shower.
I grabbed the towel and hygiene kit that Matthew left behind for me, humming as I made my way outside. In the morning light, the living room looked divine, with sunlight streaming from the large glass windows. I could just imagine the view at night and reminded myself to take a look later.
“Matthew? Are you up?”
There was no response. I didn’t call out for Sebastian, still a bit shy after our encounter last night. But he was a decent guy and I felt so lucky to have new roommates like them. Feeling freer, I poked around until I found the shared bathroom of the last two rooms and slipped in.
The steam registered first. Then my eyes adjusted and I spotted the shadowy figure standing in front of the showerhead. Water sluiced down a tanned chest, ridges of hard abs, and thighs as thick as tree trunks. There were intricate tattoos all over him, a harsh contrast to his smooth skin. But it didn’t hide the fact that he was huge everywhere, from his broad shoulders to his hardened torso, down to his narrow hips and the thin trail of hair leading down to—
“What the hell?”