Page 33 of Daddy's Orders
The gates opened as we approached, leading into a gorgeous courtyard garden that seemed to function as the middle grounds between the buildings of the estate. The main structure, a three story mansion, was straight ahead past the garden and fountain. To the left and right were smaller buildings, along with a shimmering pool and a warehouse-like structure that appeared to be a garage.
Once we reached the center of the garden, just before the circular fountain of dark granite, the flowers and trees surrounding us, Logan finished his call. He tucked his phone into his pocket before saying something else to Roberto, who responded with a nod before giving me one more skeptical look and then leaving.
“I have to get to work,” he said.
“Work on vacation?” I asked. “That’s no way to relax.”
Logan let out an amused snort. “When you’re in my position, you don’t get vacations, only different office locations. The staff is around if you need anything. Remember, Pearl is the woman in charge of non-security estate affairs. You need anything, ask her.”
He didn’t wait for a response before turning and leaving. I watched as he ascended the white steps up to the main building, the tall, arched doors automatically opening. Logan stepped inside and was gone, leaving me alone.
The second he was gone it dawned on me just how out of my element I was, not to mention how little information Logan had given me about the estate. Logan was in his office, and Roberto was nowhere to be found. I turned toward the dock in the distance in just enough time to watch as a small team of three finished loading our bags into the back of a Jeep before heading off to only God knew where.
I was alone in the middle of a freaking private island,no idea which room was even mine.
Pearl. Logan had said she was the head of household affairs. Maybe if I could find her, or at least one of the other members of the staff, I could get some help finding my way around the place. My mission in mind, I started off through the garden.
I couldn’t believe how beautiful the space was. Flowers of all colors surrounded me, the wind hushing through the branches of the palms overhead. The garden was laid out in a neat andsymmetrical design, reminding me of French gardens that I’d seen in travel books Marta had given me. I loved it. I imagined curling up on one of the hanging benches with a book and letting the hours pass, not a care in the world.
Not knowing where else to go, I left the garden and headed to the right, taking the path between the main building of the estate and the smaller structure beside it, which seemed more like a modest-sized house. Through the windows I could see a sleek, modern kitchen and other well-appointed rooms. But I didn’t spot a single soul.
It was actually quite peaceful. Dad’s place was always so busy with staff running here and there, Dad storming through the halls shouting into his phone and slamming doors. Being alone, knowing that I was one of a handful of people on an entire island, not to mention thousands of miles away from my father, was enough to bring a sense of calm over me that I hadn’t known in a long, long time.
I made my way around the smaller building, coming out onto a quaint veranda that wrapped around the back half of the structure. The view looked over the beach in the middle distance, the waves crashing onto the shore with a quiet hush.
Right away, I noticed that the sounds of the beach wasn’t the only noise in the air. A soft, melodic humming came from somewhere nearby. It didn’t take me long to spot the source—a young woman was sitting on a swinging bench, pushing herself forward with her foot as she worked on something, a pleasant smile on her face.
I moved toward her slowly, not wanting to startle her. Whoever she was, she was totally focused on what she was doing. As I moved closer, I saw that she had a sketchbook on her lap, her right hand moving in quick, precise lines as she drew. She sat like that without noticing me, rocking back and forth and humming to herself as she sketched.
I wanted to get her attention. At the same time, I didn’t want to surprise her. Not knowing what else to do, I cleared my throat and smiled.
The woman turned her head toward me. In spite of the distance between us, I noticed that her eyes were a brilliant ice blue—the same color as Logan’s. Before I had any time to think about it, a huge, broad smile spread across her face. She set down her pencil and book and sprang from the swinging bench, spreading her arms wide as she hurried over to me.
“There you are!”
I didn’t have a chance to react or respond before she threw her arms around me, pulling me into a tight hug. She squeezed me with enthusiasm, hard enough to wonder if she knew her own strength. I let out anurk!which seemed to signal to her that it was time to let go.
She did, and it took a moment for me to catch my breath.
“You’re stronger than you look!”
The smile stayed on her face, her expression not flinching a bit.
“Sorry, Logan says I can get a little too excited sometimes. It’s just that he told me you were coming and I’ve been sitting here anxiously waiting to meet you.”
As she spoke, I noticed that there was something slightly strange about her, something about her eyes. She smiled innocently, almost like a little girl. Her eyes were big and eager, not a trace of distrust or skepticism behind them.
“Wow,” I replied. “Then I feel like you’ve got me at a disadvantage.”
She cocked her head to the side a bit, her forehead crinkling in mild confusion.
“You’ve got me… what?”
She didn’t understand what I was saying.
“I feel like… you know more about me than I know about you.”
At those words, the smile returned to her face.