Page 73 of Daddy's Orders
“If I’m different, it’s because I’m not locked up in some damn house all the time.”
My father’s eyes appeared almost black as he leaned toward the screen as if to get a better look at me. “You fucked him, didn’t you?”
His words made my blood run cold.
“What are you talking about?”
“Don’t even try to lie to me. My men told me what happened on the beach, that he came to your rescue like some Prince fucking Charming. They told me he carried you back to his ATV in his arms like you were all his.”
His men? So hehadbeen lying and hewasin on the attack.
“You little slut. You know what you are? You’re a whore, just like your mother. All the time and money I’ve put into raising you right didn’t matter, and I should’ve known. Her whore blood runs in your veins, and it’s only a matter of time until—”
At that instant, I reached my limit. I was done being talked to like that,done being controlled.
“You know what, yeah, I did. More than once and I plan to do it again. And again, and again, and as many fucking times as I want to!”
The rage built on his face as I spoke, his cheeks taking on a deeper shade of red than I’d ever seen in my life. I knew for certain that if I’d been in front of him, he’d have hit me.
I didn’t care. I was having too much fun ripping into him.
“My virginity’s gone, long gone. I guess I’m just trash to you now that you can’t sell me to the highest bidder anymore, right?”
To my surprise, the rage on his face faded. Dad stared at me blankly for a moment, as if a circuit had shorted inside of him and he couldn’t quite figure out how to feel.
Then a smile spread. It was a horrible smile, anevilsmile. The confidence I’d felt faded away at the sight of it, fear returning.
“You want to know where Marta is?” he asked. “She’s down in the basement right now. And she’s dead as a goddamn doornail.”
Chapter 24
The world seemed to fall down all around me.
I placed my hand on my heart, my breath gone, tears welling in my eyes.
It couldn’t be true. There’s no way that Dad, vicious as he was, would do something like that.
There’s no way he would killMarta.
“No.” The word came out of my mouth on a whisper. “You’re lying.”
Dad grinned, seemingly pleased that I was right where he wanted me.
“I’ve got no problems lying to get what I want, but in this case, the truth will go a lot further. Marta’s dead, Emily. And I was the one that ordered it.”
The tears that had been gathering in my eyes trickled down. I dropped back into my seat, Dad’s grinning face striking me as completely demonic.
“Don’t believe me?” he asked, reaching into his suit pocket and taking out his phone. “I’ve got plenty of pictures. Believe me—when you pay what I did for this kind of work, you want as many pictures as you can get.”
There was no doubt in my mind that the phone contained all sorts of horrible images, the kind that would never leave my mind once I’d seen them.
“No!” I shouted. “Please, no.”
Dad stopped, the phone in his hand as he turned his attention back to me. “You sure? Because these guys… well, they’re the sorts of ruthless fucks that Marta fled Mexico to get away from. I can see why she did; the kind of shit they did to Marta…wow.”
I was too stunned to say anything.