Page 55 of War and his Queen
The corner of my mouth twitches. “Barely. Tillie and Saint didn’t even know each other.”
She throws the stem at me and I laugh, winking at Vaden.
His foot connects with my shin. “Gonna stop trying to sleep with EKC girls or what?”
I shrug into my drink. “Or what.”
Priest’s knee starts jiggling and I catch his eye. The music had long since moved to a slow Lithe song and I know that as every second passes, it’s only edging Priest more, and the more he waits, the more messy it’s going to be.
The group is still rubbing against one another, and I watch two girls in the corner. Her face is between the other’s ass cheeks and her tongue slides down the crack. The other girl has two boys on their knees, her fingers buried in their hair.
“It was nice of you to start with something light,” Vaden adds. “You know, for the girls.”
Stella laughs again. “Hmmm… let me see.” She swings her legs over her chair and skips toward the sexfest like a little maniac of destruction.
“You guys do know that we all had a life outside of you, right? And that we, too, had our own games we liked to play.”
That catches my attention and I glare down to my sister. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
River stands to her full height, her blonde hair braided into some weird twist shit that goes over her shoulder. “It means, my dear big brother.” She places her hand on my shoulder. I’m a whole foot taller than River. We don’t know how the fuck that happened. “That we’ve all been fucked more times than you could know.” She spins around and follows Stella to the liveshow in the middle of the room. The ambience of the lighting weakens further, and I flop down onto my chair again, snarling at my sister.
“Let up, War…” Vaden kicks me again, and I hold his stare.
He looks so much like Brantley. It’s like staring back at a doppelgänger, only the eyes are different.
The muscles on each side of his jaw jump when he raises his brows in challenge. “The more they know they get a rise out of you, the more they’ll annoy you.”
My tongue slides over my top teeth as Linkin Park starts playing through the speakers. “Hmmm. Then let’s just see how far they’ll go.”
Priest glares at me. “For tonight only. Then, we do it allwiththem, War. They’re part of this whether you fight it or not.” I hate when he’s right.
Pushing up from my chair, I keep my eyes on Halen as she wraps her legs around the Lost Boy, leaning into the side of his neck. She laughs into him and when her tongue touches his skin, I’m already across the room, my hand on the back of her neck and the other around his. I throw Halen into the large wingback chair nestled to the side, while keeping my eyes on the Lost Boy.
Lifting him from the floor, I tilt my head and tighten the grip around his neck until I feel the tiny bones in his throat splinter beneath my palm.
I flash a wide smirk. “Well, shit. I guess since we’re already halfway there…”
“War!” Halen’s voice breaks through my rage and I hate her for it. I hate everything about her and how much control she has over me. Something I’llneveradmit to her. Admitting your weakness to a woman like Halen only allows her to weaponize it.
My fingers sink deep into his skin, and I know that all I’d have to do… is apply a little more pressure…
Blood trickles down the crease of my hands.
“War!” Halen snaps.
I shove him back and he crashes against the glass shelves.
“Tsk, tsk…” Priest shakes his finger at the Lost Boy, as Vaden leans against the counter, shoving his hands in his pockets and disregarding him. “You should know better than to fuck with a King, Lost Boy.”
He bows his head, blood dripping from the marks around his throat.
Priest turns to me after glancing sideways with a shake of his head. “They’re harmless, and they’reours.”He moves closer. “Pull your shit together.”
He turns back to the orgy that’s happening in the middle of the room, leaning against a table and keeping his eyes on the girls.
I swipe a bottle off the counter while glaring at Halen, who’s staring up at me like I’ve kicked her fucking puppy.
Technically did.