Page 69 of War and his Queen
Stella hides her smile behind her hair. “A few cars behind you. Riv wanted to do a detour on the way.”
I don’t bother to look at my phone, but Evie does, moving into full view. “Where?”
Stella must flash something at the screen.
“Good girl…” Evie blows them both a kiss.
“You know you’re on stream, right?” Stella declares loudly.
I look down at my phone. “Yes. I don’t care.”
Her eyes burn with devilry. “Oh, are we finally breaking free of the constraints from the animals we have in our lives?” She pauses a moment. “Fathers included.”
I wince. I don’t want to touch Dad right now. I’d always been a daddy’s girl. My mother drove me crazy for the better part of my life, so Dad’s lap was my favorite spot. I would have done as he told.
I was his loyal weapon. Now I feel like I’d been loaded with blanks.
“Yes.” Another call comes through, but I hit ignore when the photo of War invades my peace.
“Tsk, tsk…” Evie wiggles her finger in front of my face. I couldn’t care less. They wanted this.
They did this.
I continue to drive us down Highway 88, the notorious stretch of power, and think over all of the possible scenarios to justify my annoyance with my dad and brother. The only thing I find is my hindered pride.
I sigh, leaning against the driver's door and attempt to distract myself with the lyrics of Big Sean.
“The group on Snapchat has expanded, which means there are a lot of people following us,” Evie ponders, scrolling through her phone. It had been fifteen minutes since hanging up with Stella and Riv, and we’re about ten minutes from arriving in Bayonet Falls.
I don’t care.
The open road goes on for what feels like an eternity before the fabled hill of Bayonet swells so high that it looks like the end of the world.
I drop it into second and press my foot down until it redlines, before double shifting into fourth, then fifth. Headlights glow in my side mirror as River’s S13 slides out into the other lane, launching up, and ducking right behind me.
I bite on my laugh as Evie turns up the music.
“Are you only doing this because the boys aren’t here?” Evie turns to face me.
“Nope. I’d do it if they were too.”
I fly over the hill as the rubble of what’s left of Bayonet Falls appears. It’s all shadows and malevolent structures, but if I squint my eyes, I can make out the old Ferris wheel that’s snapped in half.
We continue through the main street with a loud purr of import engines, passing the Bayonet Falls sign that hangs from rusted nails, before continuing through the township. Buildings with boarded-up windows and burned-out cars roll by as I release my foot from the accelerator to slow. Graffiti litters the walls with a kaleidoscopic palette, and abandonment aside, it’s surprisingly tidy.
My headlights beacon on a tortured structure that crests up to the sky in an arch, with the wordsCirque de Diavolowritten below a bilious clown with blood dripping from its mouth.
“Dang.” Evie is still staring up at the sign as we drive through the archway. “What kind of shit went on here? How’d they all get booted?”
I park my car in the middle of the parking lot, shifting into neutral and leaving it to idle as Riv pulls up beside me. It doesn’t take long for everyone to pile out of their cars and park in their little cliques. I hadn’t even hit my window down to talk with Stel when a KE30 starts ripping up its tires.
I slip out of the driver's seat and slam my door closed. In a flurry of raven hair, she unfolds from the passenger side. “Damn. This place is actually creepy, but I love it.”
Music is playing from one of the vans in the corner, the smoke and screeching of tires sending a thrill through my body.
“I know!” For a couple weeks now, I wanted to come by and check it out. I didn’t know it would splinter my spine with its creep factor until I got here.
Now I kind of want to know the history of the town.