Page 8 of War and his Queen
“Of course, it wasn’t.” I bat my lashes down at him. “My brother doesn’t let the evidence run free.” I turn back to the road, rolling my eyes when I see the Welcome to Riverside sign. This was a game. The high of a chase. They all love the chase, but this one has War all over it.
Just as we pass the sign, I hook a sharp right and drive us down the familiar road. Void of lights and asphalt, we jolt in our seats through the bumps. It’s nothing but a narrow dirt road in the middle of a forest.
“Fuck. Can you slow it?” The guy beside me groans, shuffling further up his seat, and I press the accelerator more, smirking.
He blanches. “Or not.”
It feels like the road goes on forever, until we reach the clearance and see the wide field. The water rushes fiercely down the mountain and into the renowned water hole below, the natural pool surrounded by large trees. A bonfire rages nearby in the darkness, where cars are parked and lined around the edge, marking the start of Devil's Cockpit track.
People spill out around the space, drinking and laughing amongst each other, but I ignore them all and drive directly forward, breaking up a circle of jocks.
When they see my car, none of them complain.
“I can’t believe you’re bringing me here. What a setup…”
“Hey.” I leave the engine idling and remove my belt. “No one told you to jump out in front of my car and ruin our night.” I reach for my phone and open Snapchat, sending out a message in the group chat that was for the meetup in Bayonet Falls.
“For help—” He glares at me, but the corner of his mouth curves in a smirk. “I did it for help.” I hate to admit it, but he’s a little cute. If the whole wounded puppy thing did it for me.
Or maybe it could. Since War decided to have his little toy land directly on my lap, why not wind that bitch up and let it dance?
“Ew. I can’t believe our weekend is ruined,” River complains, tapping on the passenger seat. “Hurry up, asshole. Get out so we can leave.”
“You know, you guys are all quite charming. Anyone ever tell you that?” He reaches for the door, and my eye twitches when I realize he’ll leave blood there.
“Yes,” I answer sweetly. “My daddy does every night when he tucks me into bed.”
He laughs but stumbles out. I shove my side open and follow behind him, rounding the front of the car. Devil’s Cockpit is the Riverside meetup, where everyone who attends Riverside Elite University and Riverside Prep comes every weekend.
This is the starting point, which then carries on through the back of Riverside against the cliffs that drop out to the ocean, before looping around once you hit the fence line of Elite Kings Estate and coming back to Devil’s Cockpit. This isn’t your average track. It’s rough. If you’re not skilled enough, you die. Point blank.
It’s more their little game that they participate in behind the guise of the races and partying that no one knows about. It’s all a decoy for what’s really going on deep in the forest. I don’t knowmuch about it since we never spent time around here. In fact, we made it our mission to be as far away from Riverside as possible when we could, much less during weekends.
Until their subject jumped out in front of my car.
“Halen!” Connor, one of the varsity players who attends Riverside Elite, nudges his head up at me, while lifting his red Solo cup. I smile but it doesn’t reach my eyes. He’s only ever bold enough to say hello to me when he’s drunk. Bunch of fucking idiots. All of them. All too afraid of the Kings to actually talk to any of us.
I can’t say I blame them.
My headlights beam onto where chopped logs are splayed out behind the fire. War, Priest, and Vaden are all sitting there with an array of girls around—or on—them.
Priest empties his drink and shoves the girl off his lap. Stumbling, she lets out a yelp before hitting the ground.
“How embarrassing,” Evie mutters below her breath. “I’m getting a drink.”
“Don’t even fucking start.” I glare at my brother as he gets closer.
People separate farther away from us, stumbling and dancing amongst each other. The music is loud enough that people can’t hear our conversation, but me and Priest fighting is nothing anyone hasn’t seen before. I love my brother. Even when we’re fighting. Even more so when we’re fighting because at least he’s showingsomething.I have to keep him here, in his humanity. Even if that involves rage.
“Why did you bring him back here?”
“Where the fuck else was I supposed to take him?”
“Fuck.” Priest grabs the guy by his arm, forcing him over to where War and Vaden are.
I turn slowly to face the girls, annoyed. Evie’s hiding her laugh behind her hand.
“Are you laughing?”