Page 49 of The Moral Dilemma
As they walked the narrow hallway that led directly to the main room, loud noises permeated the air.
Noelle’s lip curled in distaste as she entered the living room. The image before her was not something she’d wished to see, but she supposed this was the only way Sergio could still amuse himself.
There he was, in the center of the couch, a glass of alcohol in his hand and a cigarette in the other as he stared at the spectacle in front of him.
In the middle of the room there were four girls, all naked and in the process of fucking each other and moaning louder than pornstars. If he couldn’t participate, he could still watch.
Noelle wondered if she should take his eyes next, since he was starting to piss her off too much. She knew he was watching her, waiting for her to slip, so that he could swoop in and end her.
She didn’t fool herself for one moment that the status she’d gained was forever. He only needed to find a weakness and exploit it and… She was afraid he might have found it.
“What an entrance, querida,” Sergio noted dryly, taking a drag from his cigarette, his droopy eyes still on the fuckshow in front of him.
She pursed her lips.
He was halfway intoxicated judging by the size of his pupils, but that wasn’t something new. Sergio was a regular partaker of drugs, especially during his fucked-up rituals. But as he’d stated, only of the natural variety. The synthetic ones were for the plebes, and he considered himself above that.
“You took my access to the drug facility,” Noelle said in an icy tone.
The naked women scrambled, breaking their formation and running for their clothes, leaving only Noelle and Sergio in the room, with Lucero trailing somewhere behind.
Noelle didn’t mind that. She knew her friend was supportive. It was just that she didn’t have the stomach for most of the things Noelle did. She had no idea how Lucero could have lived for so long at the hacienda and remained so damn innocent—in such a way that Noelle didn’t think she’deverbeen in her entire life.
Despite everything she’d been through, one would think Lucero would have gotten used to the violence of life, but instead she always shied away from such things.
Noelle directed her attention to Sergio, narrowing her eyes at him and wishing she could wipe the smirk off of his face.
“You had your time to prove yourself and you’ve failed.”
“What do you mean?” Noelle frowned. That was news to her.
“The drug got rejected. My local dealers have informed me that it’s been an epic failure.”
“When? Why wasn’t I informed of this?” she demanded, trying to keep her anger at bay.
“A few days ago while you were gone.” He smiled knowingly.
Suddenly, it dawned on Noelle why he’d sent her on that trip. He’d needed her away from the hacienda so that he could change things around.
“That’s impossible. The recipe was foolproof,” she continued.
“No. It wasn’t. It was too…” His eyes glinted, “safe.”
“Too safe?” Noelle asked in outrage. “What the hell do you mean?”
“We depend on return customers, Noelle. Your recipe was simply not up to scratch on the streets.”
“You mean it didn’t cause enough addiction,” she added, studying him.
“Bingo. That means it’s an utter failure. So much so that I’ve had to get rid of batches of product which have costed us far too much,” he said on a serious note. “I need to recoup my losses. And fast. Which is why I’ve decided to return to the previous recipe.”
Noelle frowned. Previous recipe…
But then her eyes widened as she realized what he meant.
“You can’t do that, Sergio! It’s not safe,” she muttered. “You know our rate of fatalities with that drug. If it reaches the streets, you won’t have any return customers because they will all bedead.”
“Not if we improve it,” he said with a smirk. “Keep the addictive properties, but make it easier on the body. I’ve already instructed our chemists to go on with it. In fact, I’ve prepared several variations of it that will help us recoup the costs even if we don’t sell it on the street.”