Page 66 of The Moral Dilemma
“How long were you going to lie to me about Lucero?”
“As long as I needed to. I couldn’t afford you recognizing me, or doing anything that might give away our relationship. Everything hinges on Sergio not knowing who you are to me.”
“So you pretended to hate me.”
“You flirted with other men.”
“Yousmiledat other men.”
“Yes…” she stammered.
There was a dangerous intensity rolling off of him, and she didn’t know whether she should be afraid or not. Did he still want to harm her? If only he would tell her what he was feeling—if he hated her or not…
“All so no one would realize that you loved me.”
“That is correct.” She nodded, nibbling at her bottom lip.
His eyes dipped to her mouth, his pupils expanding.
“Was anything that you said to me in the cell true? You’ve never kissed another man?”
Noelle shook her head.
“No, I swear to you,” she added emphatically.
His lips curved up in a dangerous smile.
“Good,” he murmured. His palm moved from her neck to her jaw, stroking it lightly before brushing his thumb across her lips, smearing the red lipstick all around her skin.
“What do you mean by that?” she murmured, her eyes on him. “Are you mad at me? I’m really sorry for everything, Raf, but it was the only way I could do this—the only way that I could ensure your safety. You have to believe me. I love you more than anything in the world. I wouldneverpurposefully hurt you or play with your feelings. Everything was real. I swear to you on my life,” she declared effusively. “I…”
Her words were cut off as he silenced her with one finger.
“I believe you,” he told her, his voice gruff—almost strained. “And that means you’re mine now, aren’t you?”
Noelle blinked in surprise.
“Of course I’m yours,” she replied seriously. “I’vealwaysbeen yours. I’ve loved you since I was fifteen…” she trailed off as she realized her blunder. She might have told him the truth but she’d omitted to include her age.
She expected him to take note of that—act outraged, maybe even disappointed.
He didn’t bat an eye though.
He merely stared intently at her, his finger still on her lips. His eyes darkened, so much so she could no longer see the blue of his beautiful irises, only the blackness of his pupils. His muscles were coiled tight, and despite the fact that he didn’t move to harm her, she could feel the undercurrent of his anger.
He was still on the drug.
It was so easy to forget he wasn’t completely sober even though he was fully lucid. He was still under the influence of the stimulant and that made him unpredictable.
“Take off your dress,” he rasped, his words harsh and curt.
“Take off your dress or I’ll rip it.”