Page 77 of The Moral Dilemma
Noelle was between a state of arousal and confusion as she didn’t know what was going to happen next. He’d already come yet he was still fucking her. Was he going to continue it forever… Yet just as that thought arose in her mind, he let out a guttural groan as his cock spasmed inside of her—shooting even more cum?
She might not be overly knowledgeable, but surely that wasn’t normal?
“You’re so warm, so tight. I wish I never had to leave your pussy,” he whispered as he hugged her, laying his chin on her shoulder. “Wish I could tie you to me,” he murmured, licking her neck.
Though she was barely conscious of what was happening, Noelle realized it was her cue to go or he’d never let her leave. She slowly disentangled herself from him and after giving him a quick kiss, she finally managed to sneak out of the room.
As she hurried out of the facility and towards the hacienda, she pulled at the dress the best she could, though it was already destroyed. She was sore and tense all over.
How many times had he taken her? She’d lost track at some point, just like she’d lost count of how many times she’d come. Never in her life had she thought it possible to come repeatedly, each orgasm stronger than the last, but Raf worked to prove her otherwise every single time.
More cum slipped down her thighs, creating a smacking sound as she walked. Just like he’d promised, he had pumped her so full of his seed that she was overflowing with it. She was sticky and the constant feeling of having something leak out of her vagina wasn’t something she was overly comfortable with.
I need to take a shower,she thought to herself. Though she was reluctant to wash him off of her, she knew his cum would soon crust on her skin—it had happened a few times before. She also needed to mask the marks he’d given her.
Reckless, reckless man.
She sneaked inside the house, going straight to her apartment. Tip-toeing around the area, she hoped Lucero wouldn’t hear her. But it was too late as she appeared in front of her. Eyes wide, Lucero looked her up and down, her features morphing into horror.
“What happened to you?” she uttered in a low voice. Coming towards Noelle, she barely dared to touch her.
“Nothing. Just…”
“You were with him again,” Lucero stated accusatorially. “He hurt you.”
“He didn’t hurt me, Lulu.” Noelle rolled her eyes. “Yes, I was with him, but he didn’t hurt me at all.”
“Noelle, look at yourself. You’re covered in bruises from head to toe and you’re telling me he didn’t hurt you? How delusional are you?”
Noelle’s eyes flashed at the insult.
“These aren’t bruises,” she hurried to defend him.
“What’s this?” Lucero pointed to her neck. “What about this.” She then pointed to her arms and legs. “And this, and this? You’recoveredin bruises, Noelle!” she said, horrified.
Noelle frowned. Side-stepping Lucero, she went to the wall-sized mirror in her room to take a look at herself.
Her eyes widened at what she saw, but she still didn’t think it wasthatbad. So he’d put a few marks on her. Nothing a little makeup wouldn’t cover. She’d known what he was doing from the beginning and she’d enjoyed it. She just didn’t realize it would be so visible.
“I’ll cover them with makeup.”
“That’s not the issue and you know it! He’s dangerous and you keep seeing him.”
“He’s not dangerous. He’s just… These are love bites, nothing more. So he’s a little rough with me sometimes, but I like it.”
“You like it,” Lucero repeated, shaking her head. “Fine, let’s say you like being hurt like that. That doesn’t change the fact that you kept seeing him when you said you wouldn’t.”
“I can’t stay away,” Noelle admitted with a sigh. “I don’t care what he does to me. I just want to bewithhim.”
“What about whatyou’redoing to him?”
“What do you mean?” Noelle frowned.
“You said it yourself, Noelle. He doesn’t remember anything. Those drugs take away his memories. You cried to me about it but you still did it again. You slept with him knowing he won’t remember,” Lucero pointed out.
Noelle’s cheeks reddened for she knew exactly where Lucero was going with this. It wasn’t something she hadn’t debated all over again, knowing fully well how wrong it was but unable to stop herself from doing it again and again.
“If he could remember, he would approve,” she gave a feeble reply.