Page 8 of The Moral Dilemma
He couldn’t move.
No matter how much he willed his limbs to obey, he found he could only stare at her, almost as if an eternity passed in the span of that one second.
The man by her side leaned in to whisper something into her ear and her mouth slowly parted just as her features tightened. Rafaelo couldn’t hear anything that was being said. Despite the fact that the band had stopped playing, the room was still full of raucous laughter and gossip, people chatting with each other in the corner.
The man’s lips moved as he continued to say something to her, and by the sight of her body language—especially as she tightly gripped the gilded armrest—Rafaelo suspected she didn’t like whatever she heard.
Something flared deep within him, and for a moment, he forgot all about his circumstances or the fact that he was a mere slave. He forgot he didn’t have his own bodily autonomy as he felt the urge to act—destroy everything that made her uncomfortable.
His own hands clenched around the plate he was holding as he felt a spur of movement.
He took one step closer.
In his mind, he already saw the outcome, though he couldn’t even imagine the consequences of his disobedience. But in that moment, his only purpose was to help her—get her away from that man andsaveher. Ironic, considering it washewho needed saving most of all.
Yet as he saw the discomfort settle in her features, all he knew was that he needed to act.
He needed to…
He only managed to take another step before a loud crack resounded in the air and shards of porcelain fell to the ground.
Red liquid dripped to the floor, and it was with a delay that he realized it was coming from him.
He blinked once. Twice. Bringing his hand to his head, he realized he’d been hit, a gash forming under his fingertips.
With a questioning in his gaze, he turned towards her. Yet it was her expression that cut him to his core. That, and the fact that he belatedly realized it had beenherwho’d thrown the plate at him.
She gave him a look that spoke more than a million words, her eyes disdainful, her entire countenance haughty and condescending.
He swayed on his feet, lightheaded and too shocked for words.
But if he could still find her excuses for her behavior, as he noted another attendant come to her, leaning in to listen to her command.
She spoke in a low voice, and he only saw her lips moving before someone yelled in Spanish.
“Que alguien tire la basura!”Someone throw out the trash!
Hewas the trash.
And as her lips spread into a slow, malevolent smile, he wondered how he could have mistaken her beauty for something that it wasn’t.
How could he have been so captivated by pure evil?
Noelle feltthe blood drain out of her as she stared at her bloody Blue being taken out by two guards. She did her best to control herself as she kept a pleasant smile on her face, yet inside she was dying. There was no other way of describing what she was feeling other than the slow obliteration of her soul.
She should have known Sergio would have something up his sleeve when he’d suddenly decided to throw a banquet for the influential people in the region. Usually those events were planned months in advance. Still, she hadn’t thought he would go this far.
He’d intuited that the man she’d bought meant more to her than she was willing to admit, so he’d tried to put her to the test.
“Bloodthirsty,” he chuckled. “Even with your own fuck toys. I should have realized someone like you had no heart.”
“As if you’re one to talk,” she said and raised a brow at him, smiling sweetly, though she only wanted to throttle him on the spot.
When she’d spotted Rafaelo coming forward with a tray of food, she’d been too shocked to act. All her dreams were suddenly in front of her as she met him for the first time. But she’d never wanted it to be like this. She’dneverwanted him to see her as she was. Noelle Villanueva—the wife of the master; the one they all whispered about and cursed her when she wasn’t present.