Page 95 of The Moral Dilemma
“I understand. But if you’re ill, you won’t be able to do anything about it. You need to take care of yourself.”
Noelle pursed her lips.
“First things first. Let’s get this banquet out of the way. I have no doubt Sergio just wants me to look pretty by his side.”
She chose one of the traditional dresses reserved for such festivities, but because this time she trusted Sergio even less than before, she armed herself from head to toe under her garments.
When both Noelle and Lucero were done, they went to the main courtyard where Sergio conducted all of his banquets.
Already, Noelle spotted the two chairs placed on a podium—where the two of them would sit during the festivities. Sergio was already seated on the right, his screwed eyes taking everything in. He swung his gaze around until it landed on her, a scowl pulling at his lips before he quickly masked it.
While Lucero lost herself amid the crowd of people, both workers and invitees alike, Noelle walked confidently to her chair, taking a seat.
“So who’s this important guest you’re expecting?” Noelle asked as she made herself comfortable, watching the entire courtyard beginning to fill up. The servants were bringing the food and the drinks and some of Sergio’s trusted men were already taking their positions in the middle of the yard, with more guests arriving as well.
“You’ll see,” Sergio gave her a sinister smile.
Shivers went down her back at what she saw in his visage, but she didn’t let it show.
There had always been something about him that had made her skin crawl. She didn’t know whether it was disgust for what he signified or for everything he’d done to her—all the beatings and the insults—but she was sure that he was evil personified.
“I’m surprised your lap dog isn’t by your side,” Sergio noted, his gaze settling on Lucero in the back.
“I wouldn’t subject her to your presence,” Noelle replied flippantly. “You’ve caused her enough trauma for a lifetime already.”
There was a brief pause before Sergio laughed.
Noelle frowned.
“Is that what she told you?”
“It’s what she showed me,” Noelle said, barely resisting the urge to roll her eyes. “I saw the handiwork you did on her. All because she refused your advances?” she chuckled. “I think that defines your appeal to the opposite sex, doesn’t it, Sergio? Women would rather be maimed than go to bed with you.”
“I never laid a finger on her,” he spat out.
“Really? So those marks appeared out of nowhere?” Noelle raised a brow.
“That’s exactly what happened. I don’t know what the fuck she is or how she did it, but those marks were not by my hands,” he sneered.
Noelle tilted her head, studying his body language. He seemed tobelievewhat he was saying. She seriously doubted Sergio would not take the chance to brag about something like that. Then what the hell had happened to Lucero?
Noelle didn’t get to contemplate any longer as a loud sound pierced the air. The live band had arrived, their music blasting in the open air. As they settled on the sidelines, more people flooded into the courtyard until almost everyone was there.
And still, Noelle couldn’t tell who was the special guest that had been so important, that Sergio had organized an entire banquet in his honor.
“So? Who is it?” Noelle asked again in a bored voice.
Sergio ignored her.
Rising to his feet, he opened his arms towards a man as he stepped off of the podium.
Noelle’s gaze followed him, confused when she realized she knew the man in question—it was the governor of Nuevo León, a man who was fully under Sergio’s control and had been for a long time. It was one of the reasons why the location of the hacienda was so secure—no one dared to venture out here to ask questions.
The governor was a recurrent visitor at the hacienda, so she didn’t understand whythisoccasion was so special.
After greeting him, Sergio went over to where the live band was playing and took one of the microphones.
“Hello, everybody and welcome. Today is a special night and one I’ve been meaning to share with you for a long time,” he paused for the cheers in the crowd.