Page 101 of Goodbye Girl
“And stop sayin’ shit like that. You’re akid.”
“Okay, okay. Sorry. You’re not cute. But you still make me feel safe.”
“You have no idea what’s going on with me.”
“I know more than you think. I know you were in prison.”
Theo stopped. “Who told you that?”
“You booked my hotel room in your name. I googled you. You were in prison for four years in Florida and got out on a technicality.”
“I was innocent. It wasn’t a technicality.”
“It’s okay, Mr. Theo Knight, owner of Cy’s Place in Coconut Grove,Florida. I’m cool with technicalities. Technically speaking, I’m still a virgin, if you don’t count the things I’ve done above the waist.”
“Stop talking like that! For your own good, don’t follow me. Don’t getnearme.” He started away.
“I heard from Judge,” she said.
Again, Theo stopped. This time, he didn’t turn around right away, but he was fighting the urge.
“He threatened me,” she said.
Theo breathed out. Self-preservation—survival—was supposedly the most basic of human instincts. He needed to be on that plane out of Heathrow in less than twenty-four hours, to spend as little time as possible in the same country as Kava’s hired assassin. But it was impossible to leave a threatened teen standing alone on the sidewalk.
“I saved your life, you know. When I warned you about that guy waiting for you.”
She’d had him at “he threatened me.” But it was true. He was alive only because of her. He turned and walked back, then led her to a seat on a bench.
“Tell me what happened.”
The tough-kid veneer began to melt away. Theo could see the fear in her eyes as she spoke.
“He called me on my cell.”
“Today. A few hours ago.”
“From where?”
“I don’t know.”
He paused, realizing that he must have sounded like a drill sergeant with his rapid-fire questions. He softened his tone, knowing the next question might be difficult to answer.
“What did he say?”
She looked away, then back. “If I tell you, can I stay with you?”
Theo hadn’t expected this to turn into a negotiation. “No.”
“I need a place to stay.”
He didn’t want her on the street. “I’ll get you a room.”
“I don’t feel safe by myself.”
Negotiation was turning to manipulation. “Gigi, tell me what he said to you.”