Page 112 of Goodbye Girl
“I called Shaky’s lawyer. That’s when he dropped the case.”
“This is old news, Jack. What’s your point?”
“I never found out who the anonymous caller was.”
“Isn’t it clear that it was Paxton? He’s the state’s star witness.”
“The voice was disguised with a mechanical device. Paxton couldn’t do that from prison.”
“Then who was it?” asked Imani.
“I’m guessing it’s someone who knew Tyler McCormick was stalking you. Someone other than you and Shaky, I mean.”
“Who would that be?”
“I don’t know,” said Jack. “But it feels like high time we find out.”
Chapter 44
Theo missed his Friday evening flight from Heathrow. It was on purpose. He had to take care of things with Gigi before leaving the country.
“Stubborn as a mule with attitude is what my Uncle Cy would call you,” said Theo.
They were at the Thistle Hotel in Heathrow Villages, near the airport, where a Tube ride from Bethnal Green and then a train to West Drayton had landed them. Two hours had passed since Andie’scall nowtext message, to which Theo had replied,as soon asI can.Theo and Gigi were still in her room arguing about it. Theo was seated in a European-design ergonomic desk chair that was comfortable enough to sleep in, complete with adjustable headrest. Gigi was sitting on her bed, at the foot of the mattress, her shoes off and legs crisscrossed.
“I won’t ring a total stranger and tell her everything I know about Judge,” said Gigi. “I don’t care if she is your friend.”
“Andie is more than a ‘friend.’ She’s my best friend’s wife, the mother of my goddaughter, and an FBI agent. She can help you.”
“If she’s so helpful, why doesn’t she help you?”
Good question. It wouldn’t have helped matters to explain that his own dealings with the FBI’s legal attaché in London had come up short of full protection. He’d lost Gigi’s attention anyway. She was staring at something on her phone, and her face suddenly lit up with excitement.
“Oh my God. It’s the Autumn Nation Series at Twickenham Stadium this weekend!”
“The what?”
“Rugby! It’s not far from here.”
“We’re not going to a rugby match.”
“I didn’t say ‘we.’ You go. Leave me here with the key to the minibar.”
“That’s a great idea.”
“Uh, no,” he said, sounding like a parent.
“You’re so mean.”
Theo reached for the burner phone on the desk. Gigi wouldn’t let him use hers to call anyone in law enforcement, so he’d purchased the burner specifically to call Andie. “I have to call her back tonight,” he said.
“Go right ahead. I’m not stopping you.”
“Don’t you understand how important this is? A man was murdered in Miami, and the killer wrote ‘goodbye girl’ on his body. A woman was just murdered in Boston, and the killer wrote the same message. It can’t be a coincidence that this Judge gave you the nickname ‘Goodbye Girl.’”
“Who’s to say it’snota coincidence?”