Page 34 of Goodbye Girl
“I’m not saying this has anything to do with Imani,” said Jack.
Andie laughed. “Well, can you at least confirm or deny that she looked hot in her super-short running shorts?”
“How do you know she was wearing running shorts?”
Andie pulled up the tweet on her phone and read aloud. “‘Looking hot, hot, hot in my sprinter shorts for meeting with super-lawyer Jack Swyteck. Watch out, Shaky. We got a surprise for you.’”
Jack felt a headache coming on. “Why are you even following Imani on Twitter?”
“I don’t. My sister texts me this crap.”
“Your sister slept with your fiancé. You can’t stand her.”
“Yes, and it’s mutual, which is why she sends this stuff to me. And it’s not just her. The jokes are nonstop at the field office. ‘Hey, Andie, did you read theDaily Mail? Jack and Imani are planning a double wedding with Johnny Depp and that lawyer who helped him sue the shit out of Amber Heard.’”
“I’m sorry about the crazy rumors, but Imani said you would be quick to see it for what it was.”
“Of course I see it. Imani is playing you, Jack.”
“Shetriedto play me. She said it was better for the media to be talking about a possible romance between a lawyer and his client than to be focused on what the client actually did. I shut it down. I shouldhave talked to you about it, and I’m sorry I didn’t.” She seemed inclined to forgive him, but Jack didn’t always leave well enough alone. “And, for the record, you look hotter than she does in running shorts.”
“Oh, please. Imani has probably spent a half-million dollars cool-sculpting her body. And I can assure you, she’s never even heard of the eighth day of the week.”
“Eight? As in the Beatles song?”
“No. As in the book of Genesis.”
“There’s no eighth day in the book of Genesis.”
“On the eighth day, God said, ‘Let there be cellulite.’ And there was cellulite. And God said, ‘Damn, that was a mistake.’”
“Honey, you’re sounding a little tipsy.”
She finished the last of her margarita, which had gone down way too quickly.
“Maybe I am. And you know what that means.”
“Either I’m going to get kissed or you’re going to get something off your chest.”
“Or maybe both,” she said, and she gave him a quick one on the lips. Then she turned serious, or at least as serious as she could look with a little tequila buzz.
“I was really mad at you today. Saturday mornings are family time. You never miss Righley’s soccer games, but this morning you were out the door before she or I were even awake.”
“I had to—”
“No,” she said, shutting him down. “You didn’thaveto. Was it really so urgent that you rush out and speak to Imani? Or are you a little starstruck yourself?”
“Come on, Andie. A week ago, I hardly knew who Imani was.”
“What a difference the eighth day makes.”
Jack’s cell rang. He checked the number and said, “I have to take this.”
“Let me guess,” she said, pointing a finger in the air to make her point. “Imani!”
It was actually Shaky’s lawyer, but that would have been a distinction without a difference.
“I’ll ignore it if you want me to,” he said.