Page 51 of Goodbye Girl
“That’s definitely going to bruise,” she said, nodding at his neck.
“I’m sure. But it was as if the guy knew how to shut off my air supply without serious injury to my throat or neck.”
“Probably not his first rodeo,” said Coffey.
“Which only makes this creepier—the fact that he’s developed such a well-honed skill with that level of control.”
“Nobody has perfect control. Cemeteries hold plenty of teenagers who watched videos on the internet on how to strangle yourself until you pass out.”
Jack sighed. One more thing for the parent of a curious seven-year-old to worry about.
“The most important thing is to put Theo on notice,” said Jack. “That’s why I called you first. The threat was directed toward him.”
“I put the message through as soon as you called,” she said.
“Thank you. What’s the plan?”
“Theo needs to lay low.”
“Hopefully, only for a few weeks,” said Jack.
“What do you mean?”
“My attacker said Theo is a dead manifSergei Kava is extradited. Extradition is a process. There has to be a hearing, and that won’t be for a few weeks.”
“And there’s no guarantee Kava will be extradited. I presume Sergei’s lawyers are smart enough to argue that the extraction kidnapping was illegal and makes extradition improper. If the request for extradition is denied, Theo has nothing to worry about.”
The legal attaché didn’t seem amused by the criminal defense lawyer’s suggestion that extradition might not occur. “We should operate under the assumption that Sergei Kava will be extradited. And you should take precautions to protect your own safety. Not to be an alarmist, but with Theo in hiding, they could come after you again.”
“I appreciate your concern,” said Jack. “But when it comes to a situation like this, the best advice I got was from my mentor, Neil Goderich. Neil hired me right out of law school to work for the Freedom Institute.”
“Yes, where you defended death row’s finest. I’m fully briefed on your background.”
“My point is, threats came with the turf. I got plenty of them from cops, clients, witnesses, and some very creepy anonymous sources. Neil always said that any criminal defense lawyer who couldn’t handle a dose of intimidation needed to find a new career.”
She smiled knowingly. “You didn’t have a family when you worked for this Neil Goderich, did you?”
“No. My first marriage wasn’t until after I left the Freedom Institute. I was divorced and well into private practice by the time I met Andie.”
“I thought so. Because it doesn’t sound like something a man with a wife and young daughter would say.”
Jack didn’t have a quick response, and Coffey didn’t seem to expect one. She rose, Jack followed suit, and they shook hands.
“Put some ice on that neck before you go to bed,” she said.
“We haven’t talked about a police report,” said Jack.
“I suppose we could do that,” she said.
“Don’t we want to give the local police everything to find the guy who threatened me?”
“If they find him, there will be another to replace him.”
“You make it sound hopeless.”
Coffey settled back into her chair and invited Jack to sit for a few more minutes. “Let me tell you about the Kava family,” she said.